Out of Luck

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(A/n: Put your theories down below in the comments, which member of the Glitter Force do you think is gonna die in this chapter?? The suspense is killing me)

"The sky's gone so dark..."

"Are we having an eclipse?"

"Look! Up there! Something black and spiky!"

Emily diverted her attention towards the source of concern, and felt her eyes widen.

'Wh-What is that..?' She thought, fear striking her heart. 'Is that a sign that the bad end's coming? Today?'

She nervously tugged on one of her hairbuns, eyeing the unidentified object with great apprehension.

'Oh, gosh...is this really how it all ends? Now?'

'I'm so sorry, your majesty...we just weren't strong enough...'


The mere thought of the girl's name elicited an inadvertent whimper from Emily. She clasped a hand over her mouth, feeling her eyes begin to water, and she fell to her knees, trying her best not to break down.

It was all over.

After all the long, hard battles they had fought to get to this point.

After all the tears they cried.

After all the promises of a happy ending.

It was over.


There was great alarm in Candy's tone.

"That's no good! That's bad! That's Nogo!"

The girl looked up from her moment of despair, weakly.


"We can't let this happen, Emily! We can't! Both our homes are gonna be...they're gonna..."

The pixie sniffled, her voice beginning to crack with sorrow. She grabbed Emily's shoulders, trying to shake her out of it.

"Please! Please, please, please, Emily, we have to keep fighting! We have to win! There can't be a bad ending! Even if it's just the two of us now, we can still fix this! We just have to work together!"

Emily let out a sob, hugging Candy to her chest.

"But, Candy...how are we gonna defeat Emperor Nogo? He's so strong, and we don't have the rest of the girls anymore! It's impossible..."

Another whimper escaped her.

"Rascal's right...we should just stay here, and live out whatever time we have left before everything is gone..."

"No! No, we can't do that!"

Candy grabbed her face, making fierce eye contact.

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