Go into the Golden Light

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(A/n: If you put a gun to my head and said 'write for Brute' I'd say 'shoot me'

TW: Badly written fight scene)

The next few days at school had been some of the most difficult the girls had ever endured.

It seemed that whatever they did, wherever they went, there was always a dark cloud looming over the four, reminding them that something absolutely irreversible, irreparable had occurred.

And they all knew exactly why.

It had taken a while for everything to really sink in.

For the realization that things would never be the same to sink in.

For Candy to understand why one of her friends was gone and never coming back.

For everyone to be able to live through a day without crying. To be forced back into normalcy after the horror they had witnessed. 

Emily still held a smile on her face, but it was clear that she had long collapsed underneath the weight of the situation at hand.

Lily could barely pick her head up, unable to draw out of fear of what horrible things she would find if she searched her mind for inspiration.

April tried to hold everybody together, to look towards a brighter future, but it felt as if she had lost a sister that day.

Chloe could only stand off to the side, isolated with her duties to the school and to her family, lost in a blurry haze of cold sorrow.

And then there was the Glitter Force.

For a long time, there had been a considerable amount of uncertainty as to what would become of the mission towards a happy ending. After all, one of the heroes had met her untimely demise, which was definitely something that could set it back a few notches.

Unfortunately, there was much more at stake than the girls could ever comprehend if they were to give up the fight.

So they were forced to keep pushing forward. It was clear that Nogo's minions had become a force to be reckoned with now.

There was no time to properly grieve.

And that led to emotional outbursts when everything became too much.

Mostly coming from Lily, in particular.

Yes, as the most emotional member of the Glitter Force, she was doomed to take the loss of their friend the hardest.

It was still difficult for her to come to terms with the loss, no matter how hard it seemed she was pushed to do so.

Nearly every day, the young girl would visit Kelsey, who had been buried near the volleyball court.

Nobody else would go there anymore.

She could never gather up the courage to say anything.

Only to cry, and cry, and cry, until it was time to go home.

The others tried to be there for her, to support her, but it only seemed like she was getting more distant by the day.

Yet, the offer was always there.

If she would take it.


"...Hey. Nice weather today, huh?"

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