Babysitting Gone Wrong

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"Sorry, Em, I can't hang out today. I'm watching my brothers and sisters while my parents are in the hospital. My mom's having another baby."

"...oh...she is? Well...go ahead. I guess I'll just, um...stay here. Haha!"

Emily's voice sounded so anxious and sad on the other line. Not at all like the happy-go-lucky girl April had come to know.

But then again, things change when your friend group turns from 5 to 3 in the blink of an eye.

April sighed, using her shoulder to hold the phone up to her ear as she chopped up some onions. "I'm sorry, but I'm just really busy right now...watching the kids and all that...we can hang out sometime soon, ok?"

"Yeah, no, it's okay! D-Don't worry about it!" Her friend chirped, clearly trying to make up for her lack of enthusiasm before.

She could practically imagine the pained smile behind those words.

"Sorry...maybe tomorr- OH!"

"What?! What's wrong?!"

"Nothing! I just almost cut my hand, haha! Guess that's my cue to get off the phone now...gotta pay attention to what I'm doing. I can call you tonight, if you want."

"No, that's okay! You sound really busy...I'll leave you to it."

"You sure? It's not a problem, I can call after the kids are in bed."

"It's okay! Just focus on what you're doing, I don't want you to cut yourself."



And with that, the pink-haired girl hung up.

April frowned, holding the phone for a few more seconds before putting it down on the counter, and resumed what she was doing.

She really didn't want to leave Emily alone right now...but, she had responsibilities to tend to at home.

If only Chloe was around more.

She had started getting distant from the rest of the Glitter Force as early as Kelsey's death. But after Lily had gone, too...

...It was like that had flicked a light switch. A light switch that told her to stay away.

April had known Chloe for a long time. Much longer than she had known the other girls. She was her friend.

As much as she'd hate to admit it, it hurt her a little to see her drift away. But she supposed she did need time to herself.

In all honesty, April couldn't blame the girl for needing her space, after everything that had happened.

She was obviously hurting, too.

But she still found herself irritated, wishing she would get more involved. For Emily's sake, at least.

That might have just been the almost psuedo-motherly urge to care for her friends kicking in, though.

After all, the Glitter Force was like a second family to her.

...A family that kept getting smaller and smaller as the days went by.

Tears began to well up in the girl's eyes, and she blinked them away.

She couldn't tell if they were being caused by her thoughts, or by the onions.

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