Meet Malachi "Kai" Rocca

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Malachi Rocca (After Adopted)
Malachi Raven (Original Surname)

Ranger Color: Purple

Ranger Position: Core Member (Core Member: A member that started from the beginning)

Ranger Element: Poison

Roll Call(s): 
"Acidic as Poison~ Purple Mystic Ranger"
"Element of Poison~ Purple Legend Warrior"

Zord: Mystic Naga

Magic Pet: Draco the Snake

Love Interest: Xander Bly

Short Black Hair and Amber Eyes.
Wears anything Purple.
Purple Scarf(Draco in disguise)

Bio: Kai doesn't like to talk about his past. His biological parents, the Ravens, were horrible to him. As a child he was abused almost everyday being with them. One day, one of the abused has gone horribly, and he was saved by the neighbors nearby. After the incident he was adopted by the Rocca family. Madison and Vida are his bestfriends/siblings, ever since he started living with them. He works at Rock Porium, with the others. Now Kai, and the other Mystic Rangers, must defeat evil.

Draco the Snake

Gender: Male

Color: Purple

Disguise: Scarf

Magic Skills:
Disguise as a Purple Scarf
Poison Attacks
Poison Enemy & Cure Ally(Only works on his own poison)

A/N: Only the first two chapter will be out, this book will be On-Hold.

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