Chapter Eleven: The Gatekeeper

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Lupin POV

I was in the Underworld, as Morticon orders Necrolai to bring a person named Oracle here.

Necrolai left, and soon came back with the Oracle. The Oracle reveals himself, as he changes into his real appearance.

"Talk about extreme makeover." Leelee said.

"Now, why have you brought me to this forsaken hole?" Oracle asked.

"You will use your special skills to help me find a way out of this pit!" Morticon said. "You know what damage I will do!"

"Let's see if there is a way." Oracle said, as he close his eyes, and open the eye on his hand. "The answer is simple, use the Gatekeeper to open the gate for you."

"If the gate was to be open, your entire army could attack the surface world at once!" Necrolai said.

"One problem." I said. "The Gatekeeper is no more. She spent her last life force sealing the gate."

"But what you don't know, is that there is an ally." Oracle said.

"Another Gatekeeper? Who is it?" Necrolai asked.

"That I cannot see. But it is someone close to the Power Rangers." Oracle said.

"I bet I know who it is." Leelee said.



The rest of us appeared Morphed, where Nick was.

"Back off, Rangers!" Necrolai shouted.

All of us begin fighting, but we don't stand a chance.

Necrolai was about to went after Toby, but Nick stops her. "Out of my way!" She said.

"What do you want with him?" Nick questioned.

"The Gatekeeper will be mine!" Necrolai said.

"Gatekeeper?" Nick questioned.

"He possesses more powers, than all of you put together!" Necrolai said. "I'll be back!" She said, and she flew away.

We tried to stop her.

"What was she talking about?" Nick questioned.


All of us got back to Rootcore.

"Udonna, something weird is going on." Madison said.

"We just had a close encounter with Necrolai." Xander said.

"She's looking for someone called the Gatekeeper." Chip said.

"Do you know what she's talking about?" Nick asked.

Udonna was silent for a bit, before she turn toward us. "The Gatekeeper is a powerful sorceress named Niella. She was my sister." She told us how Niella sealed the gate, and how it took her life force. "But her spirit lives on, in my heart. And through the legacy of her heir."

"She had a child?" Madison asked.

"Yes, and I fear that is who, Necrolai is seeking." Udonna said.

"So e have to find the child first." Vida said.

"And protect them." I said.

"You won't have to look far." Udonna said. "Niella's daughter, and the heir to the Gatekeeper's power. Is Clare."

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