Chapter Fourteen: Long Ago

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A/N: A quick question for you all. When you read stuff, that you consider to be very cute, how do you react?

My reaction is to do the internal screaming at how cute it is. One of those example was when I wrote "Babe~", and also first kiss/confessions scenes from all of my books.

[3rd Person]

Lupin woke up early, he sat up on the bed and looks around the room. It was only then, that he realized that he was on Nick's bed shirtless, and Nick's still sleeping also shirtless.

Nick invited Lupin to his temporary home, and from there stuff happens. He invited Lupin to live with him, and so he did. With Apollo, of course.

Lupin stretched a bit, and yawned. He felt the bed moving a bit. Nick woke up, he wraps his arms around Lupin's waist, he still looks sleepy. Nick puts his head on Lupin's shoulder.

"Babe~" Nick said, in a raspy voice. "Why are you up early?" He asked, and puts his head in the crook of Lupin's neck.

Lupin giggled. "Nicky~ We need to get up early." He said. "Why don't you take a shower, and I'll make breakfast?" He asked.

"No. Go back to sleep with me." Nick said, still holding Lupin.

"How about you go and take a shower, and I'll reward you tonight." Lupin said, and that seems to get his attention.

"Alright." Nick said, he got out of bed, and went towards the bathroom.

Apollo in his Husky Disguise, walks by their room. He tilts his head at Lupin.

"What can I say?" Lupin said. "I control the things I ride." He said, and winks.

Apollo tilts his head, not understanding.


[Malachi "Kai" Rocca]

All of us were at Rootcore, as we were doing a trust exercise.

"Trust is the key to any team." Udonna said. "In order to truly trust each other, you must be willing to put your safety in the hands of the team."

Madison was wearing a blindfold.

"Are you ready? Madison?" Udonna asked.

"I think so." Madison said.

"Slowly fall forward. Your team will catch you." Udonna said.

Madison slowly falls forward, Nick and Xander caught her.

Clare walks by with Fire Heart, the others went towards them.

Madison fell backwards, I caught her but I fell, as well. Udonna helps us up.

"That's trust for ya." Madison said. "Thanks, Mal."

"No problem." I said.

All of us saw the Magic Crystal glowing.

"Dark Magical Energy is emitting from the forest!" Udonna said.

"We'll check it out!" Nick said, and all of us left.


All of us got to the location.

"It's quiet." Nick said.

"Almost too quiet." Chip said. "Sorry, always wanted to say that."

"There must be something here." Lupin said.

"I get the feeling..." Vida trailed off.

A monster appeared behind us. "Who goes there?" He questioned.

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