Chapter Three: Code Busters

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Me and the others were on our Mystic Racers, as we raced each other. I was flying between Vida and Xander.

"Come on, Pinky!" Nick said. "Try and keep up!" He said, and sped forward.

"No one calls me, Pinky!" Vida said.

"Get him, V!" I said.

"Go get him, V!" Xander said.

The two of them raced, and eventually we got to where we were suppose to be.

"Dismount!" Nick said, and all of us jumps off. We de-morphed and landed on the ground. Our Mystic Racers turns back into our Mystic Brooms, and we grabbed them.

"Very good, Rangers. That's enough Mystic Racing practice for today." Udonna said.

"Come on, just one more lap around the forest." Chip said.

"Yeah, we're just getting warmed up." Vida said. "I'm gonna see what this bad boy can really do."

"I'm afraid not. It's time for elementary incantation." Udonna said.

"Boring." Chip and Vida said.

"Hey, I think that sounds kinda interesting." Madison said.

"Cool, new magic." I said.

All of us begin walking back to Rootcore.

"Only you two." Vida said. "Udonna, the Mystic Races are amazing, but now that we're Power Rangers, don't we get lots of other cool stuff too?"

"Oh, yeah!" Chip said. "I mean, no one's more excited than me, to finally get to wear a cape."

"Wait a minute." Xander said. "If I remember correctly you use to come to school with a pillow case pinned to your back."

All of us laughed.

"Yeah, but that was along time ago." Chip said.

"That was last week, mate." Xander said, and we laughed again.

"Well, anyway, Vida's right." Chip said. "We're official superheroes now, where's the rest of the vehicles, weapons and gadgets that we get?"

"The Xenotome, holds the Spell Codes that can unlock magical powers beyond your imagination." Udonna said.

"So, what are we waiting for?" Vida asked. "Let's bust it open, loads the codes, and get our booty."

"It doesn't work that way, Vida." Udonna said. "As you perform heroic deeds, and grow as Rangers, the Xenotome will reveal the Spell Codes. When, the time is right."

"Okay." Vida said.

All of us went back to Rootcore, except for Chip and Vida.


We were back at Rootcore.

I was sitting next to Xander, as I have a book in front of me, and Draco was around my neck reading.

"Look at all of these Incantations, how is my brain suppose to fit in all of these information?" Xander asked.

"Why don't you let me help you out with that." Madison said, as she place the books on the table. She got out her Mystic Morpher, and chanted. "Cranior Magnus."

The magic made Xander's head, grew large. And we laughed.

"Now you have lots of more room." Madison said.

"And I thought he had a big heard before." Nick said, and we continue laughing.

"Very funny." Xander said. "Madison?"

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