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Tessa made her way back to Watery Lane, keeping her head down low to not be seen by the locals on the street. 

If she had to been caught at this hour of the morning on her own without a Shelby by her side, word would have gone out about the strange situation. 

She had only been married a couple of hours, word must have spread already about the wedding. As she felt people eyes staring her down, how would of word got out already about it. 

She moved faster in her shoes, not wanting more people to see her out at this time of the day. 

As quietly as she could, she opened the front door of the house, trying not to make any sound as she didn't want to get caught out by John. 

Her father had given the house to the two newly weds for the night. Johnny Dog's went to the countryside in his vardo with Edward accompanying his father. Will then stayed at Anna's as he has practically left the Dog's house and has moved in with Anna on the same street as the Shelby's and Dog's. 

Tessa leaned her back against the door leaving a sigh escape her lips. She made her way into the kitchen, looking up at the clock the time was still early enough. 

"Right ... I need a drink" Tessa said talking to herself. She removed her heat from her head and her coat throwing them down on the kitchen table. She turned her body to face the kitchen cabinets, grabbing hold of her father's rum that he left out. 

Tessa had turned around in her shoes to be meet by John in the early hours of the morning. She gasped aloud, the glass bottle that the rum was contained in had smashed against the kitchen titles on the floor. John was stood in the door-frame just staring her down. 

"What the bloody hell ... now look what you made me do. Da is gonna fuckin kill me now" Tessa shouted at him, frustrated but also quite nervous. She had no expected to see him just yet this early of the morning. 

There was silence between the two, Tessa was down on her hands and knees clearing up the glass and rum from the floor. 

Then John had uttered the words Tessa did not want to hear "Where were ya?" Tessa stopped what she was doing, and looked up at him trying to make out that she didn't know what he was talking about. 

"What do ya mean?" John tilted his head to the side, crossing his hands over his chest. 

"I would expect to see me wife, in bed with me ... the morning after our wedding. Instead I am left on me fuckin own. How do ya explain that, huh?" John questioned her. Tessa stood up from the floor, with glass in her hand from the bottle of rum that had shattered all over the kitchen floor. 

Turning her back towards John to throw the glass into the bin, she could hear his footsteps walking into the kitchen, she took a quite deep breath. She had to keep this lie up, no one could ever know what had happened to her mother, not even her own husband now. 

"I know you left the fucking house Tessa" he picked up her hat and coat on the kitchen table. Shit, Tessa forgot to put them away when she returned home "Your going to tell me right fuckin now, where you were ... or there will be fuckin consequences" John said throwing her hat and coat back down on the table. 

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