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July 1914, Small Heath, Birmingham

John and Tessa were sat in the kitchen of there house. Tessa had James wrapped up in her arms, as John had William in his. Now at one year of age Katie was much more dependable for herself, she was able to sit on her own without falling over, she can also stand on her own but not walk yet as she keeps falling down when stood up by herself and she can also walk while holding onto the couch or anything that she could grab hold of. 

"I didn't get any sleep last night" John said sitting down at the kitchen table taking a smoke from his pipe. Tessa was stood rocking James to get him to sleep "I don't think either of us did ... the twins didn't stop crying all night long" 

Tessa's eyes were hanging out of her head, neither her or John got a wink of sleep last night as the twins kept them up till all hours of the morning awake. Thankfully Will and Anna were happy enough to take Katie for the night as she would also start crying, when hearing her brother's scream. 

"You know if they do finally get to sleep, it will be just you and me. Katie is still over at there place ... we will have the place to ourselves for a couple of minutes" John said smirking up at Tessa from his seat. 

She looked down at him, making her way towards him. Sitting on his knee and throwing her free arm around his shoulders, she whispered into his ear "I'm all your's Mr Shelby ... but not here Infront of the kids" 

The two looked down to see the twins, finally asleep. There beautiful blue eyes had shut, letting them sleep and go off to dreamland. 

John and Tessa looked back up too each other's eyes, but before they could start or do anything the back door was flung open. An out of breath Finn, made a statement they never though they would hear in their lifetime. 

"A war has broken out ... Polly said family meeting, immediately" Finn said running back out the door and down the back street, presumably getting all the family together by Polly's request. 

"What" Tessa looked to her husband, her eyes showing fear. 

Tessa was stood staring through the net curtains out onto Watery Lane. The news must have been spread to everyone by now. The streets were full of the locals running up and down shouting out for God to spare them or keep them alive. 

Women and children were also out, crying and screaming not wanting there husbands or fathers to be taken away from them. Not knowing if or when they would come back. 

"Where the bloody hell is?" 

Tessa turned around from the window "Arthur ... It's more like where the hell is everyone else?" 

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