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July 1915, Small Heath, Birmingham

Dear John, 

I know it has been about two months since I have last written to you, and you may not even get this letter for another few months time. I am finding it difficult managing everything on my own back here. Enough about the bad things, let me tell you about everything. 

As you may or may not have remembered Katies turned two last week, we had a little party with the family at our place that day. Katie loved it very much, I think she especially loved the few presents from Polly and my da. 

The twins are not much there yet in terms of walking, from the last time I wrote you. I think they may just be slower than Katie as she was off running by there age. 

Now that all the three kids are older now, and have much more of a understanding. They love to play together all the time. A lot of fights have been happening between the three, but otherwise they are getting on great with each other. 

Finn is also a big help to them. Himself and Katie love to play around the streets, I actually think Finn may already be showing her the ways of the Shelby life. That's something I may need to speak to him about, but at the same time the kids are eventually going to start seeing what all of ye do for business. We will have to have a chat about that when you come back home. 

Anna is actually doing great for someone that has lost there significant other to the war. She writes letters everyday to him, and he also writes back to her. I've started getting Anna to write down something small to him from me in her letters, seeing as he writes back very often. 

Poor Ellen though, I'm not sure how long more she is going to wait for Arthur. It's been a year since all of you left. She is definitely taking it the hardest, as she has said to me that she wasn't even sure where herself and Arthur were before he even left for war. I'm pretty sure she will pack up her bags and leave any day now and go back home to her family in London, the poor girl. 

Myself and Polly are doing pretty well with the business. Yes there have been days that we would make no money or not get any bets in but for most of it, it was running smooth.  

I better leave this letter as it is, I can hear Polly shouting for me. Please write me back when ever you get this letter. I love you very much and miss you just as much, I can't wait for you to come home and be back in our bed together. 

Wishing you all the best. 

Yours's sincerely, 

(Signed) Tessa Martha Shelby. 

Tessa looked up from signing her letter to be sent to John, seeing Polly walk in from the kitchen and threw some of the books down on the table in front of her. 

"I need you to count up the adding's from yesterday"

Tessa nodded her head, folding up the letter and putting it safely in an envelope. Polly also handed the girl a glass of whiskey. 

"You may need that ... there's a lot of men outside waiting for those doors to open" Tessa sighed, taking a sip from the drink.

While adding up the numbers from the books, Tessa stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Polly "You think we should give John the books when he comes back. It would make more sense, as Arthur can't count for his life and John has a bit of sense when it comes to this stuff" 

Polly turned, removing her cigarette from her lips "You could be right ... let me think about it. Also have you seen Finn? I have been looking for him" 

"Himself and Katie are with Charlie and Curly, there with the horses" 

"Perfect ... I can get him out of me hair for a couple of hours" 

Tessa laughed at the women "Why do ya think Katie is down there as well ... and the twins are with Anna. Kid free day Poll" 

Polly laughed with her sitting down across from her at the table still smoking "Tell me then ... how is your sex life?" 

Tessa opened her mouth wide, not expecting the women to ask such a direct question "Uhh ... I mean. It's rough Poll, I have gone a year without nothing. I am dying for it now" she said throwing her head back. 

"Not even a night or two with a mysterious fella" 

"Where would I even find one, it's either a kid which would be illegal or a man who would be as old as my da. There is truly no one to do it with" 

"I guess you will just have to suffer on ... or get yourself an older man" Polly said wriggling her eyebrows. Tessa reached across the table swatting the women's arm slightly. 

"I'll leave you to your thoughts then" Polly said as she got up from her seat and may her way to do some work for herself. 

It had been a long tough year, with some ups and downs. In the end they were all going to come through it, no matter what the outcome would be. They were tough women, who could do anything a man could do. They will keep fighting till the end, when they get to see there loved ones back home with them. 



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