Chapter 3: i don't want this night to end

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Luke's POV:
"Luke where are we going?" Julie groans.

"I already told you, you'll see" I smirk and she slides down in her seat. I laugh a little at her and she scrunches her face up the way she does when she gets annoyed.

"We're here!" I cheer, stopping the car and turning it off. She looks out the window and her face shifts to confusion.

"Umm Lucas, hate to break it to you but we're in the middle of nowhere" she says, giving me a look that implied I've lost my mind.

"It's adventure Juliet" I smile, grabbing my backpack and jumping out of the car. I race around and open Julie's door, helping her out. I wrap my hand in hers and starting guiding her to our destination.

I can't wait to surprise her with this! She's gonna be so excited.

We walk up until we reach a small grassy area with a small house in the middle of the land.

"Ta-da" I cheer. She gives me another confused look.

"Luke, what is this place?"

"This is my place!"

"Wait what??" She says, her eyes growing wide.

"Yep! I bought this land and now it's all mine. Maybe one day, it could be... ours" I say shyly. Her face irrupts in a giant smile and she jumps up and down excitedly.

Julie's POV:
"I'm so happy for you Luke!" I exclaim, hugging him tightly. He strong arms wrap around me and I pull him closer. Once we break apart, he gives me a quick kiss before taking my hand again. He runs dragging me along to the small house. It's adorable. The exterior is black with mural type paintings on each side except for one.

"Luke, this is the coolest house ever" I say, running my fingers across the smooth surface.

"I think it's pretty sick"

"This is all so crazy" I mumble, leaning on the porch railing.

"What is?" He ask, sitting next to me.

"Everything. I mean you're really here and Im gonna be a senior tomorrow. Well junior/senior. I never thought I would see you again after I left. I certainly didn't think I would fall in love with you like this"

"Im glad you did" he says.

"Me too" I say, moving my back against the frame of the porch and pulling my legs to chest. It's a fantastic view from here, the sun setting.

"Everything seems so close all the sudden" I whisper.

"You okay?" Luke ask. I nod in response.

The truth is, I'm not sure. This whole thing feels so different and new and odd.

I mean sure I've been in a relationship and stuff but he ended up breaking my heart. That's beside the point though, it all feels different with Luke.
I mean it's even little things like daily life  is just thrown off, he's never been anywhere but trapped in the gates of royal life and now he's free. I feel responsible in way, I feel like I took him away from everything he knows. I took him from his royal family, from his best friends, from his whole life. I mean I know he left it all behind to be with me, but at what cost? What if we don't work out?

But it's not just that that's throwing me off. It's other things like I can't seem to get to used Luke. During the summer, we were a million miles away from my normal life and being with him just seemed easy. It all felt unnatural so our relationship felt the same. Now we're here in LA and I wish I could say that we were just two LA teens making bad decisions and falling in love but that's not the case. It look a whole 3 days before he was spotted with me, at the grocery store of all places. Since then, we've been practically hiding out.

"What's going on in that head of yours Molina?"

"Wouldn't you like to know Patterson" I joke. He smiles and wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

"I have a surprise for you"

"Another one? I'm all done with surprises Patterson" I grin. He rolls his eyes in response and jumps from the porch railing.

"M'lady" he says, extending his hand. I giggle and take it, jumping down swiftly. He spins me around and drags me onto the porch and into the house. He flips on the lights and I notice that everything is covered in plastic and the walls are blank. I look down at my feet and various paints, brushes, rollers, etc are collected on the ground.

"I thought we could paint the house together. It's only a few rooms and mostly I wanted your help to paint the living room and bedroom"


"Yeah, paint it with anything you want Julie" he says, giving me a look that sends butterflies stirring in my stomach. We get all our supplies and I select the colors, starting off with the ones for the bedroom.

Sometime later..

"Phewww" I say collapsing on the bed. At first, we started to just paint and ended up fixing up his whole room. Luke lays next to me and lay my head against his chest.

"It looks great Juliet"

"What can I say? I'm a visionary"

"I love it, almost as much as I love you" he says turning on his side so he can face me.

"I love you more than life Luke" I whispers, coming closer to his face. Our noses brush eachother, causing me to giggle and he moves closer. His lips are literally almost on line and it's killing me. I wonder if he can hear the rapid beating of my heart, which feels like it's about to beat out of my chest.

"Juliet, how does forever sound?" He whispers, his warm breath reaching my neck causing those same butterflies to flutter again.

"Forever with you?" I ask.

"I hope"

"Forever with you sounds quite splendid, without isn't as appealing" I whisper back. God I want to kiss him so bad.

"You wanna spend forever with me?"

"Only if you want to spend forever with me" I reply. He smiles his swoon-worthy smile and I kiss him softly.

Something tells me forever wouldn't be so bad with him.

A/n: IM BACK!!!

I've been so busy and I have so many ideas for stories but I'm gonna finish this one first, it may take a million years though lol

Love y'all -R

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