Chapter 16: she looks so perfect

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I wake up the next morning with a pair of arms around me. I roll around and smile as I look at the person beside me.

All I can think is OH MY GOD

He looks so.... amazing. The sunlight from the window gleams onto us, onto him and his messy head of curls.

I could wake up every morning like this
I think

"Good morning beautiful" he whispers, not opening his eyes. I feel blush over my cheeks from just the sound of his raspy voice.

"Morning handsome" I mumble back, snuggling closer to him. I lean up and kiss him then I lay my head back on his chest.

"Last night was...." He starts.

"Amazing" I finish. He doesn't say anything and I start to panic. I look up at him again but before I can say anything, he responds.

"Your right, it was amazing Juliet" he says, kissing me.

"hmmm you have no idea how much I've missed you calling me that. Actually how much I've missed you in general" I whisper to him.

This is exactly how it should be. The light gleaming in windows , Luke's arms around me, quiet conversations.

It's perfect.

"I wanna stay like this forever" he mumbles, burying his face into the pillows.

"I'd like that very much. But eventually we'd need food and water, plus people would start to worry"

"dang Juliet, you are such a buzzkill" he jokes.

"We really should get up, I should let Flynn know I'm okay" I say, really not wanting to move. I'm fearful if I let him go, I may never get him back.

"Yeah you're right. As much as I hate to let you go, We need to do those things" he says, his arms sliding away from me. He starts to get up and I pull him down for a quick kiss. He smiles, pulling me up with him.

"Ah ah, things to do!" I say pulling away. He smiles and kisses me again. I smile to myself as he leaves.

God this is just so perfect. I get up and go to his wardrobe. I open it up and find a shirt, pulling in on over my bra.

"Crap!" I Mutter to myself. My phone is in Luke's car. It's most positively dead, I guess I'll have to use Luke's.

I go over to the nightstand and pick up his phone. When I pick it up, something falls and flies onto the ground. I bend down, picking it up and can't help but read what it says.

It's a ticket to Eng-England. Why does he have a ticket to England?

"Juliet, you hungry?" Luke ask, coming back into the bed room. I quickly toss the ticket back on the nightstand and spin around.

"Yes, starving. Mind if I use your phone? Mines-"

"In the car, of course. Go ahead Juliet" he says, wrapping his arms around me.

"You look really good in my shirt by the way" he whispers, making shivers go down my spine and my face turn a rosy pink.

"I'd say you look pretty good in those sweats" I say, turning around and tracing his abs. He leans in, kissing me hard and I melt in his touch. My arms fly around his neck and he wraps his around my waist.

"Phone call" I whisper against his lips. He groans in response and pulls away. I dial Flynn and she picks up on the second ring.

"Hey Flynn, it's Julie"

"Oh my god, I was worried sick. Where did you go? I thought you died" she rambles out.

"Im sorry, I went... I left early. I should have told you" I say, not telling her the whole truth.

"I'm just happy you're okay. Where are you?" She ask.

Luke goes behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.

"I-umm-I'm with Luke, I mean at Luke's" I stutter.

"Ooooooh girl! I need details... later of course. Bye bye" she says and then hangs up.

"okay then" I mumble to myself. I let myself lean against Luke, taking in this moment until my break is clouded by the ticket I saw. Is he really leaving?

"I'm gonna go make breakfast" he tells me, kissing my cheek before leaving the room. I fall onto the bed and groan quietly.

Why can't this just be simple? I mean what even was last night! Is Luke gonna leave? Was that just a goodbye?

I never knew things could be so complicated.

That can't be just a goodbye, I mean we're finally back together.

I feel my heart drop as I think of the endless possibilities... all of them involving him leaving me.

I go over to his desk and look at everything, grabbing a picture of us. It's from the summer, god that feels like forever ago.

Nothing in this room indicates him leaving. I walk back over to the side table and just as I'm about to grab the ticket, I hear a giggle. It's not just any giggle, it's the squeaky, loud, sunny one that makes my blood boil in jealously.

I walk out into the living room/kitchen area and the sight makes me wanna scream or cry.

Bailee flips her stupid wavy hair and puts her hand on his arm. He has a hand on her waist.

I want to cry, to break down and sob. But I don't. Instead, I get mad.

"WHAT THE HELL" I yell, choking my tears back.

"Julie, I know I've said it before but it's really not what it looks like" Luke says, pushing Bailee away and coming towards me. I push him back, stopping him as I run into the bedroom.

"Juliet wait! Please let me explain!!" He cries.

This feels like that night all over again. 

"Was i just some side piece to you? Did you really have to play with my heart like that?" I yell back, sliding on my dress from yesterday.

"Jules, I swear that's not it"

"You know. I really relit don't care and I really don't want more excuses. Have fun in England" I say, shoving past him. My legs move fast even though they burn.

I have to get as far away from him as I can.

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