Chapter 5: eletric love

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"That's right, ELLE WOODS IS A QUEEN!" Luke cheers at the screen. I giggle watching him.

"Luuuuuuucas" I whine. He looks over at me and I give him a sweet kiss.

"What Juliet?"

"I'm not getting enough attention" I whine in response. He chuckles, pulling me closer and kissing my head. I snuggle against his chest until his phone starts blaring. He moved slightly, grabbing it.

"I gotta take this, just give me a second" He says, sliding me off him and going into the hallway.

who's calling him?

"Yeah Bailee. Yes, I'm gonna be there. I'll see you later" I hear him say. He walks back in and lays down. He moves closer to me, wanting for me to lay my head against his chest again.

But I don't.

"Julie, everything okay?" He ask, looking at me.

"I just... didn't know you had plans later" I say coldly.

"Well I told Bailee I'd come over and help her study. I should have told you, you know what I can cancel. We just stay here and hang out" He says, pushing the little pieces of wild hair behind my ears.

"No it's okay Luke. If you wanna go over to study, that's fine. I trust you" I say, grabbing his hand. He smiles and leans in, kissing me softly.

"Good because you are the only girl I will ever love" he says kissing me again. I smile and lay back against him.

"Girl, do you have any idea what we were supposed to be learning?" Flynn ask, vacantly flipping through her textbook. We've been studying for 2 hours and I don't think I understand calculus.

"Not at all, remind me why I agreed to be a senior. Pre-cal sucks"

"Beats me, I mean you are gonna leave me AND you have to take a whole years course in one semester"

"Don't remind me" I groan, throwing myself onto my bed. I toss my book on the ground, hitting down with a loud thump.

"Speaking of seniors, how's your loverboy?" She ask, closing her book. I guess we're not studying tonight, not that we were learning anything anyway.

"We haven't seen eachother a lot lately, like outside school. He's been studying with Bailee"

"No! What!"

"It's not what you think Flynn. They are just friends"

"That's what every boy says until she's coming onto him. I don't trust that girl"

"You are being dramatic Flynn. She seems nice"

"Yeah, I'm sure she's plenty nice. Until she's banging him"

"FLYNN WILL YOU HUSH! Besides, we're supposed to be having fun. Let's not talk about him"

"You know what. You should go see him"

"No! We haven't had a sleepover in forever, I'm not ditching you for my boyfriend"

"It's not ditching, I want you to be with him. He's good for you"

"Flynn, are you sure?"

"Yes. In fact, I'm forcing you. You can't let that girl take him away"

"She's not, he's mine and I trust him"

"Yeah yeah yeah, just go to him. BUT TOMORROW I NEED DETAILS"

"Of course of course, wanna get nails done?"

"Girl, count me in! Now go"

"I love you Flynn"

"I love you too jules"

At Luke's
My heart beats out of my chest as I walk up to his door. Why am I nervous? I trust him, of course I trust him. I'm being totally ridiculous right now. Bailee is his friend.

I take a deep breath and unlock the door.

"LUCAS" I call, slowly approaching where I hear voices. I walk in the living room to see Bailee laying against my boyfriend.

"They are just friends" I whisper to myself.

"Luke" I say. He spins around and his faces lights up. Then he's off the couch and picking me up.

"Juliet!" He exclaims, spinning me around and kissing me. I giggle as he places me back on the ground. I pull him close and hug him, relaxing as he wraps his arms around my waist.

see I have nothing to worry about.

"Why are you so happy to see me?" I ask, playing with his hair as I gaze into his eyes.

"Because I missed you. We haven't gotten to spend enough time together, I just missed you"

"I missed you too Lucas" I say, kissing him quickly.

We pull away and he keeps one of his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Julie, I didn't know you were coming by tonight" Bailee says, giving me an overly aggressive smile.

"Yeah, I guess I just missed him" I say, laying my head against his shoulder.

I hear a slight scoff from her and then she returns to her totally sweet, not secretly bitchy self.

"Great! The more the merrier. I'm trying to decide what color to dye my hair. What do you think lukey?" Bailee ask.


"Umm did you just call him lukey?"

"Yes! It's like our little nicknames for each other. I call him lukey, he calls me bai. It's our thing"

I scoff loudly, rolling my eyes.
"I don't wanna be rude but I don't thi-"

"Bailee, maybe you should go. We can hang another time"

"Oh I see how it is, the girlfriend is here so I gotta go" she says, laughing as she throws her hair over her shoulder. Luke grabs my hand and I squeeze it tight.

"Yeah, well it was great to see you Bailee. Catch you later" he says, rushing her out the door.

"Byyyeeee lukey!" She calls, the door slamming behind her.

"Juliet, I know what that sounded like or seemed like but I promise it wasn't anything like that"

"I know Lucas. I just- I can't stand her!" I groan, dropping his hand and storming into the living room.

"She's not bad, I swear. You just don't know her like I do"

"Oh really? I'm sure I don't" I almost yell. I slam myself down onto the couch, now fuming. Maybe coming here wasn't a good idea.

Luke comes and sits beside me. He grabs my hand and places his other on my back, moving up and down slowly.

"Juliet, please don't be mad. I love you and only you, Bailee's just weird about stuff. Im sure she didn't mean to make you angry okay"

"yeah okay" I mumble, still staring at the ground.

"still love me?" He ask, turning my face to his. I stare at him for a moment, then I nod slowly.


"I hate it when you are mad at me" he says, pulling me into a hug. I again relax with his arms around me. I lay my head on his shoulder and my arms wrap around his waist.

"me too. I'm sorry" I say back. He pulls a little away and kisses me, a long passionate kiss. It's an 'I love you' kiss.

A/n: hey guys, im really trying to be write and stuff but I haven't been able to. I've been like so busy but here's another part!

I love y'all all so much and thank you for your continuous support -R

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