Chapter 15: dress

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"Wait Luke!" I say, rushing after him. He gives me
A confused look and starts walking towards me.

"Is everything okay Jules?" He ask, reaching out for me.

"Yeah, I just- could I get a ride home? I'm pretty sure Flynn isn't leaving anytime soon and I- "

"Julie, of course I'll drive you home" he says giving me a friendly smile.

Just friendly..
We get in the car and it's silent and awkward.

"Luke do you mind if we just drive around for a little bit or something. I don't really wanna go home" I say, breaking the silence.

"Of course Julie, whatever you want"

Luke continues to drive around as the moon seems to get brighter and the whole world seems to go silent. It feels like it's just us out here, riding down these empty roads.

"Julie, why did you leave the party?" He finally says something.

"Because I-I wanted to go. Obviously"
Great cover up Julie, wow!

"Is that really the reason? Because you don't seem like you wanna go home. It seems like you are making excuses and I'm not sure why!" He says, his voice laced with annoyance. Is he mad at me?

"I don't know what to tell you Luke" I say, feeling a little guilty. I don't know why I feel guilty but I do.

"Tell me why you came with me. Better yet, tell me why you were about to make out with that asshole!"

"Are you talking about Nick?!?" I say.

"Of course I am Julie! Ever since we broke up, you've been all Buddy-Buddy with him. Need I remind you of how much of an asshole he is?"

"You are out of line Luke. You don't know him like I do and you don't know how much he's changed."

"I don't trust him Juliet, he's gonna hurt you" he growls. I've never seen him like this, I've never seen him this angry.

"Maybe he will but that's not your decision to make. We're just friends Luke"

"Friends? We're friends? It sure as hell doesn't feel like it"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" I yell, tears running down my face. We are friends, i means of course we are! We agreed that we'd be friends. Like we were before all this, like this summer before we..

" I wanna know what you want Julie. You said you wanted to go back to the way things were before all this. So why are we having this argument again?"

"Maybe I was wrong, maybe we can't be friends Luke. It's just too hard, too complicated"

He lets out a frustrated groan and speeds up the car.

"LUKE SLOW DOWN" I scream as the engine revs louder. I grab his arm and he looks at me, anger in his eyes. He slowly lets off the gas and I let him go.
He looks at me again and starts to pull the car into a parking lot.

"Luke what are you doing?" I ask as he pulls off the road into a parking lot. I look over at him, just for a second before he pulls me towards him. All I saw was the wild look in his eyes.

"I don't do this with girls I'm friend with Julie" He mumbles.  before I can say anything, He kisses me hungrily. I melt into his touch, just like I've done many times before. His hands are on my hips and mine find his hair. He pulls away for a moment.

"I can't do this anymore Juliet. I can't just pretend we are just friends. If you just want to be friends, if you think that we are JUST friends, then say it right now and I'll take you home and this will have never happened. But I need to know, do you think of me as a friend or more?" He looks at me, probably searching for some sort of answer in my expression. But I'm too shocked at his confession to form words.

"More" I barely speak, my words feeling lodged in my throat. His face makes a half-moon smile and he pulls me in for another kiss.

It would have been better if I had been able to say no, to push him off, to tell him that it'll never work between us and that we should stay friends. But let's be honest, I'm not that strong.

Our mouths came together like bullet trains crashing head-on. I felt so relieved, I was scared I had lost him but now I have him. I have Lucas Patterson, he's all mine. Part of me thinks it's always been that way, I was just too stupid to know.

This wasn't like other kisses we shared, other moments. This was like two long-lost souls finally finding each other.

The steering wheel was right against my back and my knee was uncomfortably wedged against the armrest of the door, but I don't care because I have this. I finally have him. His hand slides up and down my back making me crazy, I groan and press myself closer to him.

"I dream about you Julie, every time I close my eyes I see you" He whispers. I pull back and carefully put my hands against his chest. I feel the steady pace of his heart beat as I gaze into his eyes.

"What if we don't work? I mean what if we break each other's hearts again?" I ask, my voice a soft whisper.

"Julie, I've thought about it. I've thought about this over and over again, about kissing you again and-"

I cut him off with a passionate kiss. My hair falls around us like a curtain as we kiss. 

"Hold on Juliet" he whispers, breaking us apart again. He shuffles out of the car and grabs my hand, pulling me out too.

Of course, it's pouring rain. Not that I care, right now I'd go anywhere with him.

We start walking and then I realize, we're close to his house. Once we get there, it really sets in what's happening. Luke closes the door and as soon as his eyes meet mine, so do his lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down, pulling him closer. He pulls me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as we continue to kiss. Everything about this moment is passionate and full of lust. He slowly walks into his room and lays me down on his bed. Then he unzips my dress, pulling it off quickly.

This is happening... it's really happening.

"You are so beautiful Juliet. So so beautiful. God I'm an idiot for screwing this up the first time" he whispers to me as he leans down to kiss me.

"Julie, are you sure this is what you want to do?" He ask in between kisses.

"I want you Luke" I whisper back.

You know what happens next...

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