Chapter 7: 1 step forward, 3 steps back

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"Ugh, school is the worst" I cry, slamming my locker shut. Luke snickers at me and I give him a pouty face.

"What's going on Juliet?" He ask, placing his arm beside me, his palm firmly placed in the locker.

"It's this stupid school project!! None of my group members are doing their work and it's so freaking frustrating" I groan. Luke kisses me and I feel all fluttery.

"Well that made me feel much better" I whisper, my hand linger against his cheek. He does his oh-so-charming smile that makes me swoon.

"Good cause I'm gonna do it again" he whisper-replies, kissing me again.

"Oh my goodness, you guys need to get a room. Making out in-front of mmmmmyyyyy locker, pff" Flynn says, unlocking her locker. I laugh as Luke pulls away.

"Lukey!" Bailee calls down the hallway, making my blood boil. I tighten my grip on Luke's shirt and pull him to kiss me again.

Bailee stops short and glares at me. I pull away from her and give a bitchy but sweet smile, totally proving he's mine.

"Oh hi Bailee" I exclaim. She smiles, the corners of her lips pinching together.

"Luke, you wanna go out tonight?" I ask innocently.

"Umm, do you not remember what tonight is" Flynn chimes in.

"No?" I say, very confused.

"Only like the biggest party of the year. I literally can't believe you forgot" Flynn complains.

"I'm sorry. I forgot our socialite status must be sustained" I joke.

"Your coming right Lukey?" Bailee ask, giving him total puppy dog eyes. My stomach churns and I feel like I'll puke, giving him puppy eyes.

"I don't know. Shall we venture from our simpleton life for one night?" Luke ask me. I smile, I mean big smile.

Because of course, no matter what, Luke still chooses me. Luke loves me.

"Why not" I reply.

"You kids get out of here. It's the weekend, shouldn't you already be partying" Mrs.Harrison aka the best music teacher ever says, locking her classroom up. I just realized that we are the only people left in the hallways.

"Us? Party? Why would we do that? We are going to just enjoy a nice, simple football game with our peers" I say, giving her a gleaming smile.

"Ah yes, that's exactly what I used to do too" she jokes "But seriously, you kids have fun. Your only young for so long" she says. We all laugh and start walking out.

"Okay Luke, I am deeply sorry but I'm gonna have to steal your girlfriend. We must get ready" Flynn says, grabbing my arm.

"Ugh, always stealing my girl" he groans.

"You better watch out for her then" Bailee giggles.

"Don't you have some sorta pep squad thing you need to go to?" Flynn growls.

"I do have practice before the game. See y'all guys at the party, toodles!" She exclaims, running off.

Flynn rolls her eyes and scoffs before I nudge her in the side.

"Fine, i guess you can take her. But I'm gonna need her back soon" Luke says. Flynn does a mock-victory dance.

"She's mine! She's mine! She's forever mineee!!" She yells.

"I'll see you at the game" I say, going on my tip toes and kissing him quick.

"Bye Juliet" he says, grabbing my hand and planting a small kiss. I giggle as he walks away towards his car.

Later that night
"Babes, I don't think Bailee is as innocent as you think" Flynn says, gesturing to the end of the stadium. Bailee is looking up, talking to Luke. She called him down there, maybe I should be worried. The way she flirts is so effortless, she giggles and smiles and whips her hair. She's just so radiant.

"I trust Luke, I trust him completely" I say, crossing my legs and resting my hands on my knees.

"But what about her?" Flynn asks, still glaring at them.

"Luke won't let anything happen" I assure her.

I know Luke, he wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

At the party
"Niiiiiiiicccccckkkk" I slur, all the alcohol I've consumed taking its toll on me.

"Julie, you came!" He chirps, his voice laced with slurs.

"This is party is soooo fun. Like really really fun"

"I'm glad you are enjoying, I saw you and Luke earlier"

"Yeaaaa, wait. Do you know where he is?"

"I think I saw him go upstairs. Just a few minutes ago. Go get your freak on kiddo" Nick says.

I look upstairs, every inch of the house covered in the people. My brain feels foggy but my heart is swimmy. Luke is waiting for me.

I start making my way upstairs, diving through the people and slowly getting to the second floor. Once I'm upstairs, I hear a familiar voice. I go towards the room, opening the door and with that... my heart shatters into a million tiny pieces.

I suddenly sober up and tears starting falling down my face.

"Oh my god" I stutter out.

Bailee jumps off of Luke, who looks at me and also jumps from the bed.

"Juliet, please. Let me explain!" Luke says, tears falling down his face as well.

"DON'T YOU DARE" I scream. I run downstairs and into the outside, the cold wind harsh on my skin.


"DONT LUKE. I DONT WANNA HEAR IT. YOU SAID SHE WASNT AN ISSUE OR A THREAT AND THEN I FIND YALL UPSTAIRS" I yell at the top of my lungs. The people outside have all gone silent.

Rainy starts to drizzling down from the sky.

"It was a mistake, just please let me explain Julie. I love you"

"You don't understand Luke. That- whatever it was just killed any chance you will ever get to love me again"

"But you said you trusted me, you said you would love me no matter what"

"Maybe we're liars then. You said I could trust you and I thought I'd love you forever. I guess I was wrong. I mean you were we kidding, we weren't gonna work anyways" I sob

"Please. What can I do to fix this?" He begs

"There isn't a way" I say, walking away.

My heart being ripped out as I walk away.


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