Chapter 6: Paper rings

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"Guess who?" Alex says bursting through the door.

"ALEX" I scream, jumping up from the couch and running over. I wrap him in a big hug and squeeze him tight. He drops his bags, lifting me off the ground and I squeal.

"Dude, what are you doing here?" Luke ask, giving him a total bro hug.

"Well I had to come see my best friend... and you" Alex says. I laugh and Luke makes his best mock-offended face.

"Besides we're on break. Why not see what this LA is all about"

"I'm so freaking excited you are here!" I exclaim again. He smiles, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Now kid, you gotta tell me EVERYTHING about y'all" Alex says, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the couch.

"How did you know where to find us?"

"I just asked the royal drivers and such to take me to your house. It's pretty simple"

"That's quite terrifying. Now come look at my room" I say grabbing him by the arm.

"Wait, I have a surprise" he says, running to the door "I almost forgot which would have been bad" Alex opens the door and I squeal again.

"OH MY GODDD!! REGGIE" I exclaim, running and hugging him.

"Julie!" he says, hugging me.

"Reg?" Luke says, a smile practically covering his face. Reggie runs over to Luke, picking him up and practically squeezing him to death.

"Aren't they the cutest?" Alex says.

"Honestly they are. You know what! We should go out, do something"

"Yes, show us the world of LA" Alex says.

"Y'all down?" I ask, looking at Reggie and Luke who haven't stopped talking.

"See LA? Hell yeah" Reggie smiles.

"Let's go!" Luke says, grabbing his keys.


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When you get surprised by some foreign weirdos @lex.Mercer @ regpullsgirls @julieismybae

@regpullsgirls: I love that Alex stole my hat 😂
   @lex.mercer: i look swag, swaggyer than you

@julieismybae: I'm so happy these foreign weirdos decided to show up, best night ever! it really was <3

"Juliet, close your eyes" Luke says as we walk the streets. Reggie and Alex are totally shell-shocked, looking at everything. I stop, closing my eyes.

"Open" Luke says, kneeling on the ground.

"Umm Luke, we're only teenagers" I joke.

"I made you this" he says, grabbing my hand and sliding on a paper ring.

"Oh my gosh Luke, you are the sweetest" I say, leaning down and kissing him. He stands up and kisses me again.

"Omg, stop being cute. It's so offensive" Alex says, rolling his eyes and scoffing.

"Like you aren't in a happy, committed relationship" I reply, laughing.

"Not the point, Jules" Alex says, coming over and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"So how long are y'all gonna be in town?" Luke ask as we all walk.

"I was thinking a week, maybe longer"

"I'm so happy y'all are here. I missed you guys so so much" I say, leaning my head against Alex's shoulders. He gives me a little squeeze as we continue to stroll.

I lead them all to the beach and let me say, it's quite a sight. The moonlight is reflecting off the water, making it look just amazing.

"We should go swim" I say, sitting with Luke's arms wrapped around me.

"Umm, we have no bathing suits" Alex comments.

"Eh, not important" I say, getting up. I slide off my shirt and then my jeans, kicking off my shoes as well.
They all stare at me with the most confused looks on their faces.

"Are y'all really gonna let me go swim all by myself?" I ask, making the most perfect pouty face. That's all it takes for them to get up and jump in. I laugh, jumping in too. 

"Luke" I say, swimming over to him. I wrap my arms around my his neck and lay my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my head.

"I'm so happy their here.. and I know I've said it a million times by now but I'm really really happy you are here" I whisper. He wraps his arms tighter around me.

"I love you Julie. I literally will not ever stop loving you. Who would have thought that I'd fall in love with some girl who showed up for the summer?" He says, making butterflies churn in my stomach.

"I did! I knew it. A pretty girl like her, who wouldn't fall in love?" Alex says, disturbing our peace.

"True, True. She's the prettiest girl in the world" Luke says, gazing into my eyes.

"Okay, y'all are grossing me out. I'm gonna go water fight Reggie" Alex says, swimming away.

"I've never been more in love than I am right now" I say. He smiles then leans in and kisses me softly.

The next day
"Late night?" A familiar but annoying voice asks.

"Not that it's any of your business but yes" I say, slamming my locker door closed. I hike my backpack up my shoulder and start walking faster.

"Julie, wait up" nick says following me. He gets in-front of me and know I have no choice but to stop. Great, where is Luke when I need him?

"Julie, please just listen to me"

"Why should I Nick? What reason do I have to hear you out at all?" I say back, angering tightening my grip around my books.

"Because I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I spent the whole summer thinking about how I am a complete idiot for doing that. You don't know to forgive me... But I hope you will. That's all I wanted to say" He says.

He did sound pretty genuine, besides what's the point of being mad at someone forever?

"I forgive you Nick" I say, his face contorting into a smile. It makes me smile too, I mean it's a lot easier to be nice to someone than mean.

"Now let's get to class before we are tardy" I say, walking past him and heading straight for English.

Luke's POV:

"Luke, are you even listening to me?" Bailee whines. Her and her friends have had me surrounded for the past 10 minutes. I can't focus on them right now, all I can focus on is what's behind them.

Julie and Nick.

What is she doing with that jerk? I mean she hates him so why is she talking to him??

I watch as he whips in-front of her. He's talking, rather emotionally. Julie stands there annoyed. Then her face changes, almost like happy?
Then she says something, making him smile and her too.

The bell rings, Bailee takes off with her girls. By the time they all clear out, Julie and Nick are gone as well.

What did I just watch??

A/n: ta-da✨ another part

I love you sm -R

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