Outing with friends

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Sarah's pov

"Yes, I said making a fist with my hand. I covered my head with the dupatta. I wanted to go to the washroom badly but the images of the new makeup kit filled my brain. I rushed straight to the ground floor and opened the door. The delivery person was standing right in front of me with a cap on his head. He was looking back and forth to his bike and then towards the door. 

"Sarah Ahmad" his gaze went to the sealed packed box.

"Yes, it's Sarah" I wanted to snatch the box from him and run back to my room as he was doing the formality of properly checking the order.

"So here it is, you have made the payment online."

I took the box from him. It was voluminous but not much heavy.

"Do you want water?" I asked him.

"No thanks, I should leave, I have many more to deliver till evening."

I closed the door by pushing it with my busy hands and went to my room. I carefully placed and started to unpack the box. Every item was perfectly sealed and packed. I wanted to use the facewash badly as I haven't used the facewash since that incident with bhaiya. for the next half an hour I was busy scrubbing the epidermal layer of my skin with the cream. I had to wait for at least this much time before washing it away. I was going through the statuses of my  contacts on WhatsApp, It was like everyone was falling in love, some were heartbroken and some showcased their favorite TikTok stars on their statuses.

I got a call from one of my friends. She was very near and dear to me once, now she was just a regular friend. She wanted a favor from me. Her boyfriend was coming back home after spending a year in Saudi Arabia. They were going to spend his first day in the city roaming in the marketplaces and they wanted me to come with them. Initially, I was reluctant to go with them but after much the insistence, I agreed to come with the condition that Houzia would also join us. she readily agreed as she needed females to accompany her.  Now, this makeup kit will save me from thinking about the makeup  I would be applying that day. It's not that I wanted to flaunt my beauty, it's just that I didn't want to look any less than other girls. I wanted to share everything with Sameer but I resisted.

Here we were, fast forward two days, waiting outside of our college for her and her boyfriend to pick us up. Sun was all over us and we were already sweating like pigs. All the makeup was already washed away with the sweat and a part of my dupatta was already converted into a handkerchief. Still, there were no signs of both of them. If she were in front of me, I would have kicked her in the butt. Finally, a sedan zoomed into us. Her boyfriend came from the driving seat, went to the other side, and opened the door for her. She came out of that, wearing glasses and holding a Metallica purse.

"Assalamualaikum, sorry we are late as Janu bumped into his friends on the way and they were not ready to leave him easily."

"Walaikumassalam" I replied to her. Although I am very tired it's okay" I tried to put up a smiley face. I didn't want to sound rude in front of her boyfriend.

I turned to her boyfriend. I exchanged greetings with him. He was having a muscular frame. The age gap between her and her boyfriend was of more than six years. They were not compatible in terms of age but still, they both adored each other too much.

"So let's start. Where would you like to go" her boyfriend asked us as he turned towards the driving seat of the car?

"Janu, we'll discuss that later,  right now we are going to the market as we have decided,  right girls?" she turned towards her face to us from the passenger's seat as we nodded from the back seat.

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