An Odd Combination

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     I look up at the neon lights that surround the doors. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Plex," it says. I recently graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in acting. I wanted to go somewhere where I would be able to launch my acting carrier. I applied for many jobs and internships in acting, but I never gotten any callbacks. all but one.

     This place.

     And the worst thing is, I'm not even going to be acting. instead, I'm going to have to patrol the place as security instead. It doesn't make any sense though, since there's already a lot of robot staff patrolling. When I asked about it, they said, "We need more human staff members in case something goes wrong with the animatronics." I was kind of disappointed, though. I wanted to act, not walk around and stop people from... I don't know... themselves?

     I open one of the glass doors and I walk inside to be greeted by a fountain with a golden statue of Glamrock Freddy, as well as many more bright neon colors that reflect across the black, shiny floors. I wonder how they keep it so clean. I walk over to the side and unlock the staff only door, which does nothing but let you in without having to pay. I wonder how many times people left it unlocked and allowed people to get in the place for free.

     I look at my security tablet and notice a message from my boss. She says that I'm free to roam around and explore today, as long as I still do my job. I look around at the different arcades and restaurants and gift shops. there's this one place called Mazersize that makes no sense. I don't question it, though.

     I get into the elevator to go to the second floor when I get notified on my tablet. I look at it and my boss tells me that some of the animatronics roam freely before the doors open. I'm glad I know that now instead of freaking out later.

     As the elevator doors open, I put my tablet back on my belt and I walk out of the elevator. then, a bot face jumps up into mine and all I hear is this loud noise. I scream and jolt back. when I blink again, it's a robot with a hat and glasses saying, "Here, please take this map." I stare at it blankly as I catch my breath. "Take a map," it says. My heart rate goes down a bit and I manage to reach a hand over and grab the map. then the robot glides away on the floor, searching for someone else to scare the life out of before handing them a map. So much for not freaking out.

     After walking around a bit, I notice a daycare of some sort. I decide to walk in, and I'm greeted with a golden statue of a sun character and a moon counterpart. I observe it for a few seconds, walking around it and examining it. I decide to walk away after a few moments. In the next room is a hallway with one wall made of glass. I look through it and I see what appears to be a giant play area for kids. It seems the only entrance is a slide.

     I look through the glass and look around the place more. observing the maze of a giant play area, split in half to reveal a bunch of scattered toys in piles of their own kinds. everywhere I see containers or drums stacked on top of each other. one of the towers doesn't seem so stable, like it could fall apart any moment.

     "Hello!" I jump at the voice, and I turn around, and the first thing I see is a tall animatronic with a sun-like head and a wide grin. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, miss! are you alright?" It asks, putting its hands over its mouth like it did something wrong.

     "I-i'm fine, thanks," I say. I then recognize him from the golden statue I saw walking in. it's dressed somewhat like a clown, with orange/red and yellow all over its outfit.

     Then it tilts it's head to the side. "You seem so nervous? why is that?" Then it straightens, like it has an idea. "I know how to fix it!" then it holds a fist out to me and opens it, revealing an orange wrapped candy with a yellow sun on the wrapping. "Have a Sunnydrop!" It says. before I could move it takes my hand and puts the candy in it, then it stands there with hands behind its back, waiting.

     I look at the candy in my hand and I unwrap it. the candy itself is a mix between orange and yellow, and it looks like a round cough drop. I put it in my mouth and my eyes widen. it tastes like orange, lemon, sugar, custard cream and a little bit of peppermint. it's an odd combination, but it tastes SO GOOD!

     "I knew you would like it!" then the animatronic jumps with glee, clapping its hands like a child. I smile. "Sooooo what's your name? I can't keep calling you miss all the time! unless you want me to, or it's your name. I wouldn't mind if your name was Miss, but who would name their child Miss? Not to be mean, but it's an odd choice for a name." I open my mouth to speak, but then he starts again.

     "Oh! don't tell me! let me guess! Uh... Lila?" I shake my head. "No? what about Sylvia?" I shake my head again. "Kaliven?" I become confused as I shake my head once again. what kind of name is that? the animatronic panics as it starts to say more female names, not giving me any time to answer.

     "Calm down! My name is ___." I say. It sighs.

     "Aw! I wanted to guess it! I was so close! You do have a wonderful name!" Before either of us say anything else, we hear a muffled crash sound. We both look through the glass and notice one of the towers fell over. The same one I noticed was lopsided before. "Oh no! It took me so long to put all of them back together!" It quickly runs to the slide and slides in, coming out at the bottom a few seconds later into a giant ball pit. I watch it quickly swim out of the pit and rush over to the fallen pieces. "Oh! Which one's the bottom, which one's the top? Clean up! Clean up!" It says as it grabs two pieces and looks between them, trying to decide which goes where. It looked random to me. It must mean something to it that I don't see.

     I feel my tablet vibrate and I grab it. I get a message from my boss saying, "Your task for today is to patrol the entrance, making sure nobody sneaks by without paying. Remember, if someone looks like they're going to, then they have to pay 2.743869574108x the amount, plus extra tax." I become confused, remembering that she said I could roam freely today. I look back at the previous message and find out I misread it, saying I can roam freely during my 13-minute break. What an odd number for break time. not very long either.

     I look back at the animatronic, who is still trying to stack up the containers. It observes the half-built tower, then takes two off and putting a different one in their place, then putting the two back on. It observes it once more before taking the top two and switching them. As it grabs another one, I walk away from the glass towards the elevator.

     I wonder if all of the animatronics are this lively like that one. Where is the moon version of it? I remember seeing two characters on the statue. I stop wondering about it as I walk into the elevator and press the down button. Today is going to be very interesting.

Sunshine and rainbows {Rewriting soon.}(Sun x female)Where stories live. Discover now