A New Point of View

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I look down at ___, her face radiating with astoundment. She sits down to observe the view, and I sit down next to her.

"I've only been up here once before," I say, looking ahead to the city, sparkling with lights. I can tell ___ Looks at me, waiting for me to tell my story. "It was Sun who came up here. The pizza plex had closed early due to a power outage so we came up here to watch the sunset. It's quite interesting when we change who's front while outside. It... wasn't my favorite thing."

"It must be weird to switch so slowly when you're used to just the flick of a light," ___ says. Right after she says that sentence, the lights outside the pizza plex turn off, and instantly, dozens of stars in the sky become visible.

___ quietly gasps at the sight. I look over to her, the stars glittering her eyes. The moonlight captures all of her best features. The night makes her beautiful.

"It's been a while since I saw actual stars," she says. "For a while I've lived in big cities, due to college and my job. I used to live in a small town, though. You could see stars every night. It's been pretty difficult these days with all the light blindness."

"Yes, me and Sun quite enjoyed the stars that night as well." I notice her lean on my shoulder. I smile, wrapping my arm around her. We both watch the stars in quiet, peaceful. This... is a nice feeling. It's one I haven't felt before.

There's a buzzing sound, and ___ quickly grabs her phone to check it. "Aw man, there's a meeting going on for human night staff," She says. We both get up and we climb back down the ladder, back to the first floor of the pizza plex. All the lights are out, not even the neon signs are glowing.

"It's very dark, would you like me to walk you down there?" I ask ___, holding out my hand.

"Sorry, but no thanks. The meeting starts in three minutes and I need to hurry." She turns on her phone flashlight and runs off into the direction of the staff meeting room."By, Moon!" She shouts.

"Goodbye, starlight," I say quietly, looking in the direction of where she ran off. After a minute, I start walking back towards the daycare. I've never directly given her a nickname before, But I always do it when she's too far to hear.

That previous feeling lingers as I take the elevator. When it opens, the map bot holds a map out to me. "Free map."

Usually I give it a death stare and it backs off, but for some reason, tonight I feel... nicer. "Now, Map Bot, did you forget? Only offer maps to human guests. the rest of the staff already have maps or know the place already," I tell it before walking off.

Finally I make it to the daycare. I go down the slide and fall into the ball pit. I remember when ___ had went down head first. Sun was front at the time, and he treated her like another child entering the daycare. That isn't really a bad thing, though. He cared about her safety as much as he would a child, and I feel the same.

The conversation she had with Jorge, I remember very clearly. I could hear it through the door. I don't know why ___ Lied to me about it, or at least didn't give me the full answer. If she liked me, why wouldn't she say so sooner? Human emotions are odd. How does one not know how they feel? How can you be unsure?

To be honest with myself, she's not that bad of a person. Sun, he's head over heels for her, that's for sure. Me? I love her, I'm just not in love with her. Human + animatronic? That won't do. Whatever Sun wants, though.

I signal the cord to come down. It attaches itself to the hook on my back and I'm lifted into my room. I stop in my tracks when I see it.

It's a poster on the wall, saying "Welcome Back Sun and Moon!!!" In bold yellow and blue letters. The poster has hundreds of names signed on it, mostly from children. I step closer to it, reading each name. I stop at one name, though. "___." Even she signed it. I smile, warmed from the kindness.

I leave the poster on the wall where it is, and I continue looking about my room. Drawings are plastered everywhere from the children. Sun and I always keep the drawings from people of all ages, even if the paper has a stain on it from snack time.

. . .

Something isn't right...

Something doesn't feel right.

I turn around and I go to the stage, looking around the daycare. There's no intruders, so no need for Eclipse. The daycare is completely empty. My eyes turn red, scanning for any heat traces in case someone is hiding. Nothing comes back. I switch thermal vision off and my eyes go back to normal.

I look outside of the daycare, but that's empty, too. It suddenly feels quiet. Eerie and quiet. I'm quite bothered by this. I stay alert, though, in case something does happen.

This is when I feel it.

It's a virus...

"NO!" I shout, trying to block it out. I can feel it planting itself into my system, grabbing onto me and not letting go. It starts to spread through my arms and legs, causing them to go haywire. I throw myself off the balcony, down into the ball pit, fighting away the virus.

The virus is unaffected, though. It keeps spreading through me. My vision goes dark from it. It's difficult to think now. I keep trying to block it, but I fail. I can't control myself anymore, and I feel myself slipping away.


Sunshine and rainbows {Rewriting soon.}(Sun x female)Where stories live. Discover now