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As I walk inside the elevator, I think about how much the children must love that animatronic. I can already tell that it's the kind of spirit children adore. When the doors shut, I press the down arrow and wait silently as the Glamrock music plays. I think about if I'm going to visit the Daycare during break or not. The animatronic was pretty nice to me. even offered me the Sunnydro-

I just accidentally swallowed it.

As the elevator doors open, I cough from the sudden loss of air after swallowing. A guard with blond hair and blue eyes just looks at me like a freak. I stare back at her and she stares back.

"Sorry," I say. "Died on a Sunnydrop." then she looks at me, weirded out.

"Where did you get a Sunnydrop?" She asks.

"From the sun animatronic upstairs."

"You mean that Sun thing?" She asks. before I respond, she continues. "That thing is so... creepy! That frozen smile on its face sends shivers down my spine! I don't even know how kids like that thing! It's as disturbing as the Teletubbies and Cocomelon combined!!" She rants. She then looks at my face, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath.

"Sorry. That wasn't a very proper way to introduce myself. Shall we start over?" She asks. I nod. "I'm Vanessa. You?"

"___," I say.

"Well, welcome, ___. So, like me, you'll be taking the entrance. You go to the left side; I'll go to the right," She says. I look to both sides. My left, or the entrance left? "Your left," She says, noticing my visible confusion.

I nod and I walk over to the left. Almost right when I get there, I see people rushing towards the doors. "Is it opening time already?" I ask.

"No. Not for another ten minutes," Vanessa says. "Some people get here really early on show days to get their tickets before everyone else." I look back at the people who are now banging their hands on the doors, waiting for them to open. They must really want those tickets.

"So, where are the tickets handed out?" She points next to me, and I see an empty ticket booth. "So, who's working it?" I ask. She thinks for a moment before getting on her walkie talkie.

"Do we have anyone working for ticket distribution today?" She waits for a moment.

"Let the rookie do it," I hear from the walkie talkie. I look from the walkie talkie to her with the most 'bruh' expression I could think of.

"You heard the man." She shrugs at the comment. "And don't worry. we were all rookies once, too." Like that makes me feel better about the nickname. I walk behind the counter and I look around.

"Is there not any chairs here?" I ask.

"No. Usually a bot works there instead of a human. The bots don't need to sit," Vanessa says.

Speaking of which, a security robot glides in and stops in front of Vanessa. "You are needed in the Daycare. I have been sent to replace your current task," It says with a monotone voice that almost sounds like the voice assistant, Alexa.

She groans. "I hate that place! Can't ___ go there instead?" She asks. I actually wouldn't mind going there instead. The animatronic that works there just has something about it that makes me want to learn more.

"Request pending," the robot says. It stands there for about thirty seconds before responding with, "Request accepted." Then it turns around and looks at me. "Would you like assistance in navigating to your location?" It asks.

"No, thank you," I say as I walk toward the elevator. I press the up button and before the doors closes, I see the bot go to the exact spot as I was, standing the same way too.

The doors open and I walk out. Loud noise and a robot face in front of mine half a second later. I jump, but I don't yell like last time. "Please take this map!" It says.

"N-no thanks. I already have one." I hold up the one I already got from it. Just like that, I become invisible. It glides right by me and looks around, searching for someone who doesn't have a map.

"God! I hate that thing!" I say as I walk away. I notice the gold statue and I walk through the entrance of the daycare's gift shop. I look around and notice a lot of the sun looking plushies are gone. I look through the moon looking ones. None of them seem missing.

I walk past the gift shop and I look through the glass window of the daycare and I see a security desk. That must be where I'm supposed to be. I look around, searching for an entrance. The only thing I see is the slide.

I sigh, feeling my inner child rising. I dive into the slide head-first. I zoom through the twists and turns and land face first into the ball pit. It's really deep. I attempt to push myself out, but I can't. I struggle to get myself out for a minute before I feel something grab my legs and lift me out of the pit. I look up to see a smiling face looking back at me, its hands on its hips.

"You shouldn't go down the slide head first!" It says as it shakes one of its fingers at me. "It's VERY dangerous! If I wasn't here, you would be stuck in there FOREVER!" It does jazz hands as it says 'forever'. "You always slide in with your feet in font of you." It lifts up its right leg and points at its foot. "Understand?"

"Yeah. Feet first!" I say, pointing at my feet. It offers me a hand. It never fully got me OUT of the pit, but rather stopped me from drowning in it. I grab its wrist, and it grabs mine. It pulls me up and I manage to stand on the carpet floor.

"Hey... I remember you!" It exclaims happily after letting go of my wrist. "You're ___, right?" I nod. "Gee, I don't think I told you my name yet, have I?" I shake my head. "Oh! I'm sorry! I must have forgotten! I'm Sun!" It says, holding out its hand. I grab it and we shake hands.

"It turns out I'm working the security desk today," I say, nodding my head towards the desk.

"Wonderful! Well, you go on and do your work, Ms. ___!" Sun says. "Wouldn't want you to get in trouble!" He says before taking my hand and placing another Sunnydrop in it. I smile before I walk over to the desk, unwrapping the candy. I sit down in my spinney chair with only one thought in mind

When's lunch?

Sunshine and rainbows {Rewriting soon.}(Sun x female)Where stories live. Discover now