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I wave the children goodbye as they all scatter out of the daycare. It's been 6 days since Sun had left for upgrades. I know, wacky time skip, right? I don't know if it's because the week flew by fast or if there's not much to write for an entire week, but my brain hurts to think about it. Moving on to the next paragraph.

The last child leaves and I am now alone in the daycare. I decide to go to the security desk and check my email, and when I go there, I get a voice call from my boss. Hadn't spoken to him in a while. Not since I became Color.

I pick it up, keeping my helmet on in case any child who's still nearby walks in. "Yes, Mr. C?"

"You don't have to be afraid to call me by my name, ___." He says.

"But doesn't Mr. C have a ring to it?"

"Just call me Scott, ok?" He asks me.

"Yeah, alright. So, you called me for a reason?" I ask him.

"Yes, I did. Sun's upgrades are nearly finished, and your able to see him now in parts and services." He doesn't seem all that happy, though.

"That's great! I'll be down there in a jiffy!" But before I go, I express my concern. "You good, Scott?"

"I'm thinking about leaving this job, letting someone else be manager."

"Why's that? You've always been a great guy and a wonderful manager!"

"I... I don't prefer to talk about it. Go on, go say hi to Sun. You earned it." He then leaves the call, and I do too.

I run out of the daycare, through the shiny halls, down the slow elevators, and I finally make it to maintenance.

"___! Welcome!" The maintenance guy says. His nametag says he's Marq. "I was just about to power up Sun!"

"Hi! I can't wait to see how he looks!" I say, taking off the helmet after. "How did you know my name, by the way?

"Word goes around. This is the first time we had a human used for entertainment. I heard you do pretty well with the kids, too." Marq smiles a sincere smile. I suddenly feel comfortable in the room.

"I just wait for them to need me, or I go see if anyone needs me and I assist! I've watched Sun and Moon do it for a few months now."

"Keep doing what you're doing." He turns back to Sun and he plugs him into a small remote thing before flipping a switch on the remote up and unplugging it. Shortly after, Sun sits up, and I nearly gasp at the divine differences from before.

"Mornin, Sunshine! actually, it's almost Moon time," Marq says to Sun. Sun looks from Jorge to me, then he smiles. That's right. He smiles.

"Sun, your face!" I exclaim, smiling at the new sight.

Marq grabs a handheld mirror and faces it towards sun. Sun gasps, looking at his face. His eyes now have pupils and can blink. His mouth also can move in a human-like way. "I LOVE IT!" He exclaims loudly, his eyes lightening up.

"I gave you a new faceplate and mechanics, so now you're able to make different expressions and funny faces for the kids!" Marq sets the mirror down as Sun messes with his new face, poking his cheeks, blinking rapidly, stretching his mouth and sticking his tongue out.

"Now for safety upgrades, your rays are now made of silicone to avoid the spikes cutting children, and your joints now have a rubber covering to avoid pinching skin and catching hair."

"I was always afraid I was going to hurt the kids on accident!" Sun says, still smiling.

"Now, ___, I have something for you, too." I watch in curiosity as Marq opens one of the closet things and grabs a different Color head. It's almost the same, except the eyes have brown pupils and are both staring straight ahead, and the mouth is straight with no emotion. I look at it, confused.

"You'll understand it when you put it on," Marq says, handing me the helmet. I put the new one on, and already the visuals are much better. I can see like I don't have the helmet on in the first place. It's a lot more breathable than the last one, and it's very comfortable, fitting around my face almost perfectly.

Marq grabs the same mirror and faces it towards me, and my eyes widen. So does Colors. I make one expression, and I see it on her face. Another expression, same result.

"This is so cool! how did you do it" I ask Marq.

Well, Sun's upgrades were actually done 4 days ago, so I requested the blueprints of your helmet and I gave that some upgrades, too. I didn't want you to feel left out. OH! I almost forgot!" Marq walks back to Sun. "___, why don't you give him a hug?"

As that is said, Sun's eyes light up. "Yeah! c'mon, ___!" He says.

I smile. "Alright, Sun. Just for you." I walk over to him and he wraps his arms around me. For once, it feels like I'm hugging an actual person.

"Sun is now able to warm up when someone touches him, similar to body heat. It makes hugs a lot more comforting now, doesn't it?" Marq asks, smiling as he watches like a standby character in a video game.

I slightly nod as I close my eyes, melting into the embrace. To be honest, I don't recall ever hugging Sun before. The closest to it would be that morning last week when I held onto him as he brought me up to the stage. I don't want to let go.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you got to let go. We need to see if Moon is able to function," Marq says, breaking the silence. I sigh before letting go of Sun, Sun seemingly feeling the same.

"___, You might want to step away from Sun before I turn the lights off. Just in case Moon doesn't front correctly and something goes wrong," Marq says as he walks to the light switch. I quietly get up and I move to the other side of the room while taking my helmet off.

Marq turns off the lights, and Sun closes his eyes. His golden yellow colors switch to white and black, and his outfit fades from yellow and red stripes to dark blue with yellow stars. His rays retract and his chest cavity opens, revealing his classic hat. He takes it out and his chest closes. He puts the hat on his head before finally opening his eyes, looking directly at me. His eyes look at me with the softest expression, like all he wanted for me was comfort.

"Hello, ___."

Sunshine and rainbows {Rewriting soon.}(Sun x female)Where stories live. Discover now