Angrboda pushed the pillar off Hel "Long time no see short fry." Hel stood up "Thank you Angrboda but you know Odin forbids you bring here." Hel said looking around to make sure no one else sees "I know but I saw Asgard being attacked and Hellhound going through the portal I knew something had happened to you" Angrboda said looking back at the portal that was pouring out more and more soldier. "QUICK ANGRBODA HIDE ASGARDIAN SOLDIERS ARE COMING!" angrbroda was unprepared then turned into a little cat "WHAT?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING NO HIDE MEANS HIDE NOT BE A CAT!" she sighed and picked up the cat and petted it and it began to purr. The soldiers grabbed Hel and Thrud and took them to the safe room. Jane ran up and wrapped her arms around Thrud and refused to let go. Dawn sat Hel in her lap and went into her protective way, as Hel was the only child managed to have and she would now not let her from her sight again after what just happened. "Um Hel who is that?" Thrud said pointing at Angrboda kitty. "errrerr ummm well I saw this little kitty in the middle of the gun fire she looked alone and lost so I took her in." Hel said trying not to look suspicious. Thrud scooted closer, with Jane carefully watching, and started petting Angrboda. "Oh she is so soft, do you have a name for her yet?" Hel hesitated "Um no not yet..." she looked down and continued to pet Angrboda to avoid eye contact from everyone. Thrud turned to her mother "mommy why are dark elves invading Asgard?" Jane did a turtle face "Well honey they are invading Asgard looking for you and Hel they want to use your powers for evil knowing you can control weather and Hel can control Life and Death makes you both the ultimate weapons."

The Adventures Of Hel and Thrud
RandomFollow these two youngsters on their journey though life on Asgard, they over come many challenges together as family means everything even if you're not blood related, learn new powers and meet new people, all while learning things like don't fig...