Hel awoke screaming and jumped from her mother's arms, Her eyes full of fear. The screaming woke up Thrud and Jane. Thrud gave Hel a confused look as Dawn tried to calm her down. Hel knew Thrud saw what happened in her dream, that was one of her powers. Thrud pulled Hel aside "Who's was that person who killed me in your dream?" Hel played with her hair and looked away "Oh just a random monster I guess.." Thrud snapped her fingers in front of her fave forcing her to look at her "No it wasn't, you told him he would be ended in Ragnorak, Cousin do you know when Ragnorak will happen?! " Hel nodded "Those people in my dream who were dying or in pain were gods or goddesses that would die and go to my realm, but some are from mudguard I don't know why but something bad will happen to midgard I just know it. I saw a little girl dying in front of me!" Thrud's eyes began to trail off she didn't like the fact that Hel knew when Ragnorak was and she didn't, you wouldn't either if you were the goddess of war. "We must tell Grandpa about this!" Hel shook her head "No no we don't want to worry him this close to his Odinsleep." Thrud nodded. Hel began to worry about her weapons in her realms. She teleported straight to there. She ran through her gates as her Hellhound seemed to be barking violently at something, he never did so unless something was wrong, terribly wrong. She ran down the way to the palace or "Road to Hell" as the Gods call it she pushed open the giant doors and went straight to her weapon room. She put her bone hand up to the door and the locks began to unlock and the door opened. She gazed upon her sword, carefully crafted by many of the gods, including Odin himself. She walked over to a box and brought it over to the sword. She quickly changed into her finest fighting outfit. She opened the box and took out her staff, it had six perfectly carved holes in it meant for infinity stones, her infinity stones. She carefully began to put the infinity stones each in their place the power becoming greater with each stone she touched. She put the last stone in and held up the staff. She could feel the power, this power greater than any other power in the universe and it was hers and with this power she would end thanoes. She grabbed her helmet and went to the balcony where her army of millions stood. " RAGNORAK IS UPON US AND WE SHALL FIGHT AS ONE, WE MUST FIGHT TO PROTECT OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND THEN A NEW WORLD SHALL BE BORN A WORLD OF PEACE AND HAPPINESS. I ASK THAT YOU FIGHT ALONG SIDE ME AS BRAVE WARRIORS UNTIL THE VERY END!" a battle cry erupted throughout the realm, just as Heimdall blew his head go enjoy which could be heard across all the nine realms, the horn declaring that ragnorak has began.

The Adventures Of Hel and Thrud
CasualeFollow these two youngsters on their journey though life on Asgard, they over come many challenges together as family means everything even if you're not blood related, learn new powers and meet new people, all while learning things like don't fig...