Two weeks thats all it took. Two weeks. Driven by rage, she quickly advanced to be so powerful not even Odin could handle her, killing nearly three hundred thousand in just two weeks. No one can get into her realm, she's pure evil now. Something so kind and inoccent has put on a mask of destruction and death. Nothing can stop this until she has what she desires, but what drove her to do this? The little girl is what drove her to the bad side, and poisoned her with pure hate. She got in her head and now what is to come? More death and destruction or will someone figure this out in time? Only one can hope. The good is still in there and it's fighting against this retread intruder, but it's vastly outnumbered. In two weeks she has taken over 4 of the 9 realms, in two weeks she has pushed her self from everyone. In two weeks she's become the most powerful thing. Some only one person has been able to be in her realm but only once, and that is her mother, Dawn. She's seen what has corrupted the young child, she feels her pain, she can see it in her eyes that she's screaming for help. But when it takes completly over the unimaginable can happen and then nothing can stop it, after that there will be nothing left, but she will still search for something that isn't there, hopefully she will be able to realize that it is only a trick played by the little girl.
Thruds POV
It's been ages since I've seen Hel, but so much destruction and death has been happening all other the realms that we have little hope that she even still has good in her. Asgard has tried to invade her realm but it was just a walk into a blood bath, hundreds of Asgardian soldier slaughtered by her army. All why she watched and smiled, Dawn says her good is still in there, but how can I belive that when all she has done? My mind keeps going back to that little girl, the way she smiled and walked it made me uneasy I'm sure she has something to do with it, since this all didn't happen until that little girl showed up in her realm.. I believe it may be up to me to save everything from this evil force, no matter at what cost.Dawns POV
The way her eyes we're, and the color of them was black, I couldn't see her pretty multi colored eyes. She gone, so long gone I fear I may never be able to see her again and I don't want to lose her, she's my baby and I love her so much, but now I can't even get into her realm to see her without being almost killed by the army she has... I have no idea what has happened to her, all I know is that she is corrupted by something bad. This didn't happen until the car accident... I can only wonder and investigate what would cause her to do this. I can't bear to see her like this. I fear I may be the only one to be able to stop her....
Odin POV
Asgard army has taken a great set back after the battle of trying to enter Hels realm we lost hundreds of men who were slaughtered where they stand, absolutely no one is able to get into the realm and come back alive, we are joining up with the remaining realms that have not been invaded and we plan to over throw her realm, but I know deep down it will end with all of us killed. No one knows what has driven her too this, she used to be kind but now she's Evil, she is living up to her name and causing Hell. From what I have been able to see, is that something may be not only driving her but controlling her and if that is the case then we must, kill whatever is doing so, we can not afford to lose any more, she's the goddess of the dead and if she is to cause an uprising everything dies. We can only hope that soon, someone will fix this.Hels POV
Why am I doing this? I try to stop but something keeps controlling me, pushing me, I laughed at the hundreds I slaughtered with my own knife, I killed a mother in front of her daughter.... I know what I am doing I am well aware but I can not stop it, I'm no longer in control someone or something else is. I'm evil. I meant only to be evil for a few days and not slaughter thousands and take over realms, how do I sleep at night? I only hope that the small clues I've been able to leave are enough to say, "It's not me doing this, someone else is."

The Adventures Of Hel and Thrud
AléatoireFollow these two youngsters on their journey though life on Asgard, they over come many challenges together as family means everything even if you're not blood related, learn new powers and meet new people, all while learning things like don't fig...