Dawns POV
She looks so peaceful sleeping, she doesn't look like she's in pain, nor does she look like she's suffering and that's something I haven't seen in forever. After about 20 minutes or so after Frigga set her in my room she woke up, she was scared and cleary very unhappy that she was taken from her realm. I walk in and comfort her, she seems uncomfrontable with me near her.. "Hey sweetie.." I say in a sweet tone "Why did you take me from my realm?!" she fires back with anger "Well honey... you've been down there for a while and I am worried about you" I say attempting to calm her down. She tries to get up but realises she is weak.. she let's out a cry. "I-I can't get up!" I bite my lip "I know sweetheart.." she continues to struggle as she tries to get up but exhaustion takes over her "Mom why cant get up?" She says sadly, she looks down and sees her flesh side being corrupted by her dead side, she widens her eyes "mommy?! What's happening??!!" I have to fight back the tears because I know what I'm about to do, I keep the dagger hidden in the back of my belt and get closer to her and hug her, I hear her crying softly, she's so scared... "I love you so much..." I quietly grab the dagger with my free hand and pull it around her to her back "I love you sweetheart.." I say and quickly drive the dagger into the back of her chest near her heart, she lefts out a gasp and begins to choke almost, she tightens her grip on me and I stroke the back of her hair "shhh... shhh... its ok.. shh" she let's out a whine of pain and a cough, I feel blood on my hand, I pull her off and look at her, her eyes screaming for help "m-o-om wi-will yo-u si-ng me-a -lull-aby..?" My heart shatters as I begin to sing her favorite lullaby and hold her close, her breathing is shallow, I finish and look at her again... she's almost gone, I kiss her forehead "Its ok sweetheart.. its ok... close you eyes.. shhh... close them and go to sleep...shhh" she flinches and her eyes begin to close I kiss her again and hug her... her chest rises one last time, and then I lose it, I break down and begin to cry... hard. The tension in her body releases and I lay her body down on the bed and kiss her again.. one last time. "Be brave.. I love you"
Frigga catches Dawn in the hallway and stares her blankly in the eyes "Reincarnation Dawn... she's coming back" Frigga says coldly and walks off without another word

The Adventures Of Hel and Thrud
RandomFollow these two youngsters on their journey though life on Asgard, they over come many challenges together as family means everything even if you're not blood related, learn new powers and meet new people, all while learning things like don't fig...