Silent Screams

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I stand on the rainbow bridge.. I'm not myself, I have no body, I'm a entity. I begin to proceed forward when I hear screams and splashing I turn and see all of my family in the rushing waters of Asgard.. everyone struggling to keep their head up.. including myself. Oh god.. I try to get down there and help but I am stuck.. I'm stuck on the bridge I can't leave the bridge.. I follow right beside as they are swept to the edge of the cliff.. no no no please no! I see Thrud attempt to grab onto a rock but the current is so strong is rips her from the rock... everyone seemed to go down at the same time. "NO!" I scream amd run next into the bifrost yelling at heimdall to help them, but he ignores me.. can he even hear me? I go to shake him and my hand goes right through him.. I go to the edge and look down into a hole of darkness and there I see it.. the end.. the end of the universe and I? I am the only one left I just float in darkness.. while the universe is torn to shreds.. I gasp at the sight. Then I feel someone grabs me I go to scream but nothing comes out I stare in horror at the creature in front of me before it pushes us both out of the bifrost and into the eternal darkness...

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