Thrud stared out of the car window, she couldn't help but wonder why May shot that little girl. Hel had fallen asleep in the car so she couldn't really talk to anyone about it. Her mother was driving and Dawn seemed too be asleep also, she sighed. "Could the little girl possibly not be what she seems? Could she be evil?" Lots of negative things ran over her mind, "No Hel would know if Evil was in her realm, she doesn't allow evil in.." she smiled at that thought. No evil. "But what if Hel has turned evil and is allowing evil into her realm." She scoffed at that thought, it was late and they were driving to the bus to spend time with the team. She enjoyed spending time with them and going on fake missions, like when they did the case of the missing burrito, it was alot of fun and instead of real guns they would use marshmallow shooters or water guns it is always fun to solve those missions. The culprit turned out to be Hel, but to everyone on the bus she's known as the burrito snatcher. Thrud couldn't wait to get to the bus and do another mission. She became lost in her thoughts of how to solve missions and shoot the target better with the marshmallow gun, but her thoughts we pulled when Hel began to scream and around a few moments later the car was no longer on the road, Thrud felt like a rag doll as the car seemed to toss her against the window as it was struck from the side. She closed her eyes and soon felt the car no longer moving. She opened them and could see water filling in the car.. they had rolled off the bridge and into the lake.. she scrambled to get her seat belt undone and after a few minutes it finally came undone and she threw it off of her and turned too Hel... she was still, her eyes closed, and a piece of metal sticking out of her chest.. "COUSIN... COUSIN WAKE UP!!" Thrud shook her and tried too wake her, she wasn't dead, Thrud could see her chest moving up down. She turned to the front of the car and saw Jane and Dawn already cutting their seat belts off. Jane turned to her "Sweet Heart, we are going to have to swim out of here ok? I need you too trust me, we will be ok I promise." Dawn scrambled to the back and had horror on her face... she kissed Hels forehead and cut her seat belt. "JANE WE HAVE TO GET OUT NOW!" Using the butt of their knifes, Jane grabbed hold of Thrud and broke the glass and water began to spew in, she pushed Thrud out first then swam out herself then grabbed her small hand and swam to the surface, Dawn and Hel not too far behind. The broke through the surface and Thrud was gasping for air. Jane pushed Thrud forward towards the land. The quickly got on the land and collapsed in exhaustion. Dawn was trying to remove the metal bar from Hels chest. Hels eyes we're not wide open and she was struggling to breathe. "Thrud, Jane! I need your help, she can't heal unless I get this out!" Hel herself was trying to remove the bar but Dawn kept forcing her hands away. Thrud and Jane ran over. "THRUD HOLD HER HANDS DOWN, JANE HELP ME PULL THIS OUT." Thrud did so, she was scared, she saw the look of pain on her cousins face. "She can't die." She told her self "She just need the bar removed, she'll be ok.." she said this over and over again until Jane and Dawn pulled the bar out. Hels face loosened and Thrud felt relieved.. she turned to her mom "Mommy what happened? Thrud held her breathe not sure what will come out of her mouth.. "We were on the bridge and another car came out of no where and hit us on the side of the car, so hard is knocked us off the bridge and into the water... Coulson knows what had happened and the team is on the way." Dawn is holding Hel in her arms and Hel seems to be mumbling something. I step a little closer to hear... "Evil has entered the realm, they are coming for us.." And she repeats the word evil, over and over again. I can't help but think. What evil has entered the realm.

The Adventures Of Hel and Thrud
RandomFollow these two youngsters on their journey though life on Asgard, they over come many challenges together as family means everything even if you're not blood related, learn new powers and meet new people, all while learning things like don't fig...