Asgard's army march through the bifrost and to Hels realm, Thrud took one last look at Asgard before she went through, not knowing if she would see it again or not. "Heimdall let no one in or out until Ragnorak is finished." Thor said as he went through. Hel stood proudly in front if her army, her mother and father by her side. Her mother went up and consulted with Odin. Helheim had already set up a force field around Midgard protecting all the humans, as it was part of the agreement with Asgard, they were to help with the war and in return they would protect the humans. The war would happen on Helheim it was the realm that had the most power, but not everyone is dating enough to challenge the realm. Hel called upon her brothers, everyone turned as they saw Fenris break his chains, he was a giant wolf with eyes like fire, Jormungand rising from the blood red sea, the serpent could wrap around Midgard more than twice he was big, both if them were big. Hel smiled as Thrud stood next to her, both armies mixed. "Are you ready?" Hel said as she playfully nudged her "Oh I'm ready, I'm always ready!" Thrud said holding up her hammer. The wind began to pick up, red and green capes flying behind the family. They got on their horses, Hels horse had eight legs and was faster than any horse in the universe. She tightened her grip on her staff, the most powerful things in the universe laid imbedded in her staff, no one knew except her. Everything seemed too slow, breathe becoming shallow, hearing your heart beat. Everyone watched as armies from the nine realms began to march towards them, the ground began to shake, the army was big but not as big as theirs, Hel held her breathe. They weren't here for the realm or for her family they wanted her power. She looked at Thrud who's expression was fear she had never seen fear on her face. Asgard raised their flag and Helheim raised theirs, Odin let off a nod that he was ready, Hel let off a nod also, three long seconds went by, those were the longest seconds of their lives. Asgard and Helheims army began to advance toward the invading armies. Everyone began to raise their swords, first Odin then Thor then Loki, Jane, Dawn, Frigga, Hel and last but not least Thrud, as they raised their swords so did the soldiers, everything that they had knew was about to end, Hel worried over her family and quietly castes a spell on them not allowing them to die but heal from all wounds, she could breathe a little bit better knowing he family would be ok. The horn was once more heard around the nine realms signalling the first death of Ragnorak had happened somewhere in the realms, and just like that blood began to spill and was slung everywhere, Thrud and Hels eyes widened as they clearly made a cut in their army using dark magic and heading right for the children, the adults were busy attending the war and slaying enemies left and right. Thrud looked at Hel who nodded and took out her dagger her father had given her. Thrud smirked "They really don't know who they are dealing with." Hel chuckled and threw her knife and watched as blood began to spill from the enemies neck, he fell to the ground choking and gagging on his own blood, Hel walked over and shoved it further into his neck until he went limo then ripped it out and looked at the blood. "One down, millions to go." Hel said frowning "At least you'll have more people in your realm?" Thrud said trying to lighten things "Ya I guess, but most will go to Odin.." Hel turned to hear screaming, her brother was being attacked, both of them ran, Hel slicing the leg of the attack, the enemy went to slice her throat only to have his ripped out by her teeth, warm blood filled her mouth as she spit the skin out. "Nasty." she said trying to spit it all out. "Well what do you expect when you do that. " Thrud said smiling "Morgan Freeman to show up and dance and give our free burritos." she said sarcastically. Helheim and Asgard's armies were destroying the enemy and Thrud seemed to be happy she wanted this over fast. An arrow flew straight into her chest sending her to the ground. Hel freaked and rushed over "No no you're OK watch" she yanked the arrow out and Thrud healed, Thrud frowned. "Why would you put a spell on me?" Hel helped Thrud up "Well I don't want my family to get hurt or die because family means everything to me." Hel said smiling. Just as Hel thought they were winning everything went south as the enemy tore through once more, killing most of the people she knew. Her and Thrud turned away it was bloody and sad. Hel had to constantly redo her healing spells, to make sure everyone would be OK, she turned back around just in time to see a big soldier knock Thrud over and was about to slice her head off. Fear ran through her and horror registered on her face "NO! " She screamed as she slammed the staff onto the ground releasing a ripple effect that began to kill everything, she watched as the wave moved along carefully avoiding her loved ones an her army. Thrud looked at her "Where? What? How did you do that??" Hel was horrified at what happened she could see the souls begin to go for her she was terrified she backed up then turned and ran. What had she done? How could she transfer her power like that? If anyone knew that she had the infinity stones they would want to kill her or use her as a weapon.

The Adventures Of Hel and Thrud
AléatoireFollow these two youngsters on their journey though life on Asgard, they over come many challenges together as family means everything even if you're not blood related, learn new powers and meet new people, all while learning things like don't fig...