Chapter 12 - ... Just Friends?

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Warning: Bad thoughts.


Charging took a lot longer than you anticipated. It took the rest of the day for you to have finished your charging cycle which was annoying. Sighing, you walked to your mirror. you flattened your fur and combed your tail. Looking at your reflexing that same burn scorched in your skull.


You leaned on your (f/c) table and placed a paw on your warm head, your nails lightly scratching your metal. You were going to tell someone about it but you couldn't. What if it was a malfunction and they shut you down forever, leaving you in the darkness again.

Don't trust anyone.

Tears pricked your eyes as the pain intensified. You breath became ragged as you tried to calm yourself. Closing your eyes, you gritted your teeth as the pain began to subside.

Once the pain was gone you were left catching your panicked breath.

Your fine. Your fine. Your not fine.

Shaking your head, you glanced at yourself in the mirror again. Using the tufts off fur on your head you covered the scratched that you made on your white paint.

As your door opened when you left, you were met with a familiar drown chest with a black bow-tie and blue lightning stripe. "Butterfly," was all he whispered. No context or anything which left you confused. "What?" you questioned tilting your head to the side. "Butterfly. Your nickname." You felt your face flush and becoming warm. But not from the pain as it usually would, it was warm for another reason you did not know. You tried to form words but couldn't say anything and just stared dumbly at him, looking like a fool. "You said how nicknames need to have a reason behind them, and well, the first time we ever had a proper conversation was after that Moondrop incident and you had a butterfly band-aid on your scratch. And I thought that it fits. But if you don't like it I won't say it again."

You were shocked that he remembered so much from that day, especially the fact he remembered the band-aid on your arm. Even you forgot. "No, I actually like it. Its really clever," you smiled up at him, "You figured that out quick. I'm still working on yours." He grinned, "Whatever you come up with will be beyond amazing."

You grinned up at the bear and started to walk I the direction of the Daycare. "Still planning on giving Sundrop and Moondrop a second chance?" You nodded, "Yup." "Well if you wouldn't mind, could I tag along. Ya 'know just incase." You let out a breath you didn't realising you have been holding all afternoon. "Yes please, I was actually going to ask if you could come. Not that I don't trust them or anything its just.... I don't trust them." Freddy laughed at your explanation. His laugh was so contiguous you couldn't help but join in.

Freddy knocked on the wooden gates of the daycare, as you were too chicken to do it yourself. From across the daycare a happy voice called, "Coming!" When the gates opened you were met with the overjoyed Sundrop. "(Y/N)! Freddy! What a pleasant surprise! Come in! Come in!" Sticking close to Freddy you both entered the colourful area. "What brings you two here," Sundrop asked. Freddy nudged you arm telling you to speak but you stood still, afraid and frozen in fear. With a gentle smile, Freddy placed his arm around your shoulders and spoke for you which you were grateful for. "(Y/N) came here to spend time with you and Moondrop." "Even after-" "Yep, even after what happened."

"THATS GREAT!" Sundrop jumped in front of your face making you take a subconscious step back into Freddy. "Sorry, Sorry," Sundrop backed off. "Its good you came because Moondrop has actually been wanting to apologise for what he did, but didn't want to ask you to hang out because he has to keep his brooding look." You gulped nervous. "I'll go turn off the lights so you can talk to him." "D-Do the lights have to be out?" He nodded sadly, "Unfortunately, yes. Its the only way it works." "Okay."

Sundrop ran off to the power generators, which were in the playground for some odd and unsafe reason, to turn them off. Freddy took his arm off your shoulders. "You good?" He carefully asked. "Ye-yeah I'm fine. This is the right thing to do." "But you don't have to do it if your not ready." "I know. But I want to."

The lights turned off and you froze yet again. Your eyes adjusted to the dark. You looked up at Freddy making sure he was still next to you. When you hear shuffling from inside the playground you grabbed Freddy's arm without thinking. Freddy didn't say anything.

Moondrop landed in front of you two, making you flinch. You bit on your tongue to make sure you didn't yelp or cry in fear.

Pathetic weakling.

He looked between you and Freddy. It had no intention behind it but you were afraid to death he was planning a way to separate you from Freddy and then hunt you down. His glowing red eyes stopped on you after a few silent moments. "May I talk with you (Y/N)?" Moondrop's deep and dark voice asked.

Faze one of his plan. Separate me from Freddy. I won't be fooled so easily Moon Man.

Freddy saw your hesitation. "You'll be alright. If you feel uncomfortable at any moment just call for me okay," his soothing voice calmed you. "I am uncomfortable now," you whispered back. You could feel Freddy move as he stifled a laugh, "No need to worry. It will only take a little bit. I'll be right here. Now go."

Letting go of his arm you followed Moondrop around the corner. "Listen (Y/N)," Moondrop began, "I wanted to apologise for my actions. I didn't know who you were and I just acted out in an unreasonable manner. I am very sorry." He looked down at you, his face reflecting his apology. You gave a gentle smile. "That's okay. I understand." He smiled down at you.

"Freddy really cares about you," Moondrop suddenly said catching you off guard. "Yeah, he is an awesome friend." "Friend... just friend. Nothing else?" "What else should he be?" Moondrop shrugged, "I don't know. Frowm how close you two were I just assumed there was something more"

Something more? He is my friend.... just a friend.... Is that all I want.

"It's getting late. You and Freddy should probably leave and charge before morning," he advised taking you out of your thoughts. You nodded and began to return to Freddy, "I'll come again soon." "Your always welcome here," Moondrop called to your retreating form, waving a goodbye.

Something more?

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