Chapter 34 - Escape

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Fire alarms blared in panic. Children screams. Parents complained. It was absolout chaos.

With a little flam that sparked from Freddy's finger, he was able to awaken a fire alarm but placing his flame next to an alarm. It took some time but eventually, when the alarm smelled the tiny stream of smoke, it began to scream.

Absoloutly perfect.

The plan was working just like you.... well Freddy planned. It was as simple as set the fire alarms off, get out the front door through the chaos, and run to somewhere. The last part wasn't thought out well but at least u would be gettin out of this hell.

Despite the chaos that ensued, Freddy made sure you both kept in hidden places. As with how you appeared with your endoskeleton, you would be noticeable and the plan would fall to ruin. As you both hud behind a toy counter, you listened at the terrified screams of paranoid parents.

"Never thought I would say this but, people are dramatic," Freddy whispered to you. Placing a hand over your mouth you chuckled and nodded in agreement. Untealthily, Freddy peeked his head above the counter, scanning for an oportunity to bolt when they came.

"What are you doing?" Monty asked, pulling his glasses down to gaze as you and Freddy from a doorway. You both swung your gazes in his direction as he lifted an invisible eyebrow. Both of your brains were on shut down, not expecting to be spotted.

"Freddy, we need to help the kiddo's out... oh... Hi?" Chica squarked, after guiding a kid towards the exit with a light bumb. She gazed at you endoskelleton form and tilted her head. "Who are you?"

"Thats (Y/N)," Roxy grumbled, swishing her tail in style as he barged into the small sotre section.

"How do you know that?" Monty asked unimpressed.

"Why else would Freddy be helping her and hiding behind a counter," she wittedly replied with a smirk.

"Wait did YOU set the fire alarm off?" Chica quizzed in shock, gasping as Freddy nodded. He stood a rubbed the back of his neck as she stuttered, "Why?" Freddy stumbled for words, trying to explain. His friends glaring at him in pure confusion. Stading up, you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It was so I-we could escape." You mumbled, looking at the floor.

"We?" Monty snapped, "your taking Freddy with you?"

"I want to go! I.... I am tired of preforming day after day. People think that I'm just a robot built to entertain day and night, but, I get tired, hurt, I feel pain. And I am tired of being in the spotlight. I just want to find peace with (Y/N)," Freddy spoke, gazing at his friends with sorrowful eyes. "Sorry."

The three looked at eachother. It felt like minutes passed. Minutes of blaring alarms. But it felt silent.  Dead silent. Just staring. Before they smiled, looked at you both and nodded in determination.

"Why didnt you just say so?" Chica grinned.

"We'll help you out. No need to worry 'bout anything," Roxy crossed her arms with untouchable sass.

"Leave the ahrd part to us. We will make a distraction and you two run for the door. If employees try to stop ya, I'll just pretend to malfunction and happen to accidently destroy that fake (Y/N)," Monty chuckled, snapping his jaws in anticipation.

Both you and Freddy glanced at eachother and smiled, simultaniously saying, "thanks guys."

Now, the real plan was in motion. Monty and Roxy began to 'accidently' smack peoplewith their tails while chica ran around stomping loudly on the floor making the world shake. Security officers and staffbots alike tried to shut down the robots in a stupidly placed emergency shutdown button that was placed on them. As scurring customers paniced more, and with the officers distracted, you and Freddy ran for it. Your steps falling in sync as you rushed out. Slaming the glass door open with a smash, you both ran. You heard a few yells of "Come back" "NO" "Stop", but you both kept going. You knew that once you two got far enough, no one will find you.

As you ran, you decided to glance back, and what you saw made you smile. Your freinds and stood outside of the pizzaplex. Monty grinning as he victourously help the fake you's head in his hands that he waved around abkve his head. Roxy smirking with he tail wagging, lighty waving at you both. Chica holding her two hands in the shape of a heart with a childish grin. Glad to have met them, you turned around a looked forward. To the future.
A dark grim future.

Bottles and metal. Scraps and junk. Death and life in the shape of creepy worms. Rust and broken machine parts. In the few days of freedom, you both found a junk pit. A junk pit filled with piled of forgotten crap, including two rusting robots.

You and freddy held onto eachother, huddling near an old shed. Not for warmth, but for comfort. You were both afraid. Afraid of the world going black forever. You didnt want to do it alone. And you wont. You knew you wont. Freddy was there. Next to you. Getting colder. Closer and closer to shutdown.

You sturggled to look up at him but once you did you saw his eyes begin go close and his system warned of low battery.  You systems where doing the same, but since you were a newer version of the animatronics, you knew you would have to survuve a few hours, maybe days without your bear. And his battery had nothing to do with it. It was just his design.

His eyes weakly met yours, pulling off one last smile. As the lights within his eyes began to fade and the sound of his gears begining to stop, you pulled him closer as you felt yourself cry. Once you felt him grow stiff and still, tears dripped from your face.

Whispering to yourself, and to him, you gently sung, "Now I can't picture a life without you by my side. Cant let you go... Wont ever let you go. Someday when I die... and close both my eyes- You should know that... I- I'm coming back to haunt.... you..."

As you chocked out the last few words you gazed up at the sun rising sky. You eyes begging to drink its beauty, but you couldnt, no tr without Freddy. And so, you closed your eyes, leaned back, and waited. Just waited. For you time to run out.


Song used: Haunt you - X Lovers

Your Melody - Glamrock Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now