Chapter 1

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(This is a Time skip to when there both 15 and some things that happen from now on is based on the movie)


"Mi Amor it's time to wake up."  I hear a voice say I then twist and turn a bit until I open my eyes and see my mama. "I've made breakfast I'll leave you to get dressed mija." She says getting on the side of my bed and going towards the door and walking out of it.

I then get out of my bed and get dressed in my outfit it was nice but simple. I then head into the kitten and see the table already set. Mama then set the food on the table. I sit down and start putting food on my plate. "Hey mama is papa in the shop already?" I ask mom as she comes and sits nexts to me.

"Yes y/n you can go after your done eating." She says as she starts eating. I then finish and put my plate away. "Bye Mama I'll see you later!" I say as I walk out the door and head down I ingot he sip and see papa at the counter tuning a guitar. "Hi papa." I say as I walk behind the counter and start restocking and wait for customers.

*time skip cause idk what else to put*

"Mija your shift is over you can go hang out with your little novio~" my dad says in a teasing voice my face then turns a bit red. "Dad he's not my boyfriend he's just my friend. I'll see you later thought tell mama I'll be back for dinner." I say as I walk out to door and head towards casita to see my best friend Camilo.

As I'm walking there I feel something tap my shoulder I turn and see nothing. I then feel someone spin and then dip me as I open my eyes I see it's Camilo. He smirks as he brings out a red rose with his other hand. I giggle he then sets me back up and hands me the flower. "Hola Hermoso" I say putting the flower behind my ear. "Hola Princesa what are you doing?" He asks before kissing my hand.

"I was just on my way to see you actually." I say as I start walking he then follows me with a bit smug smile on his face. "Aww princesa you'd miss me." He says teasingly. "Ahh hush Camilo. Do you wanna go hang out on the hill?" I ask him as he nods. He then pulls my hand and leads me towards the hill we always played on when we were kids.

We finally get there both out of breath. I lie down on the grass and then see Camilo lie down next to me. We both look at the sky in silence. Until Camilo speaks "has anyone invited you to Antonio's gift ceremony?" He says turning his head to look at me. "No not yet why ask?" I say as I sit up to look at the beautiful sunset.

He stays lying down I turn my head to look down at him. "Oh- well I was wondering if you'd like to come." He says turning red a bit of embarrassment as he turns his head a bit to look at something else. "Well Hermoso I'd love to come when is it?" I ask he then turns his head to face me again looking more confident then he did a few seconds ago. He then sits up as well another smiling forming on his face. "Oh it's tomorrow. It's getting kinda late princesa how about I walk you home?" He says standing up giving me his hand to help me up. I take his hand and he then gives it a little kiss and then interlocks both of our hands.

We both then walk down from the hill and he starts walking me home making jokes along the way. "Alright mi amor we've arrived." He says letting go of my hand "Ill see you tomorrow Apuesto~" I say then sneakily kissing his cheek I then wave goodbye and walk inside my house. "Hola mija how was that little novio of your?" My mama says as I see my dad making little kissing noises. They both laugh as I turn red. "He's not my boyfriend mama I've told you this thousands of times!" I says trying to hind the blush my my parents can see right through it.

"But you do have some short of feelings towards him don't you mija?" My mama says helping set out plate for dinner as I go to help her I'm silent. "Maybe mama but I don't even think he likes me back he always flirts with all the girls in this town." I say setting the last plate down.

"Aye mija I'm sure he does I've seen how he acts around you anyway hurry and eat you age to go to bed tomorrow I'm sure you'll be going to Antonio's ceremony tomorrow." Mama says as I set the food down and we all starts eating. After dinner I then head to bed and go to sleep excited for tomorrow's  Ceremony.

(Hello again I hope you enjoyed this story so far chapter 2 will probably come out later today. Until then Bye!)

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙖 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙤~ Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now