Chapter 9

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(I used so many cringe lines in this I embarrass myself 😭- anyway Another time again but thank you all for reading this story it already has 11.7k reads and I hope you all enjoy this chapter!)

N/N= Nick name


After that day filled with celebration and fun, I had to get back to my problem

"Ahh Mira I don't like him but I'm curious I mean your his cousin you've got to have some idea if he has a crush or not?" I say to Mirabel as I walk back and forth in front of her. She sits on her bed looking bored with her hand resting on her face. "Ugh, Y/n I'm sure he does trust me! I bet it could even be you~" she says elbowing me in the stomach while smirking. I then blush embarrassed I then shake my head as I sit down next to her. "I already told you I don't like him Mira...." I say as I then let out a huff as I lie down. "I know N/N but we've got time to figure this out and plus we cant talk about it more tonight!" She says as she lays next to me on her elbows. I was spending the night over at her house tonight, we were having a sleepover. "you're right now let's go find something to do!" I say as I grab her hand as we both stand up.

"What will we do exactly?!" she says laughing. I think for a second "I don't know but I know will find something to do were in Casa Madrigal there's always something to do!" I then grab her hand and open her door.  I then come face to face with the shapeshifter himself Camilo.  "Hi, Mi amour I didn't know you were here!" Camilo says looking at me surprised, I then smile at him. "Yes, I'm actually having a sleepover with Mirabel so you'll be seeing me all day!" I say he then smirks as he grabs my hand looking at me up and down as I watch his eyes.

"What are you doing?....." I ask him he then looks back up at me smirking. "What I can't imagine my future wife in her wedding dress~," He says grabbing me by my waist his face coming closer to mine. I then blush I can feel the heat on my cheeks. "Ughh...Camilo let her go!" I hear a voice say I then forget Mirabel was beside us the whole time. He then lets go of me and stands next to me looking at Mirabel. "Mirabel can't you let a young couple enjoy their time together!" he wines out to Mirabel I then go and stand near Mirabel. "In your dreams hermoso~," I say as point at him my finger digging into his chest. "Come on Mira!" I say as I grab Mirabel's hand and walk away from Camilo.

*Small time skip to later that day*

"Ahhh that was so much fun!" I say laughing Mirabel stands beside me barely being able to breathe.  "OH MY GOD, THE LOOK ON HER FACE!" she says I then laugh harder with her. After a few minutes of laughing we've calmed down and now start walking back to the casita for dinner. 

Camilo POV

As I walk to the dining room for dinner. I hear two girls laughing I look to the front door and see Mirabel and Y/n. I then walk up to them. "Where have the two of you have been?" I ask as they both stop walking and look up at me.  "Mira and I were just at the little festival across town," Y/n says looking at me as she pointed at Mirabel.  "Ohh I've been wanting to go but never had someone to go with~," I say as I look at Y/n with a smirk she then looks at me rolling her eyes. "Ugh, Whatever Camilo I'm sure it's time for dinner right?" She says looking at me with curiosity in her beautiful e/c. 

"Yes, I was just going until I saw the most beautiful creature walk in with my cousin," I say as I grab her hand and give it a small kiss she blushes again just like earlier."Camilo....can you please stop flirting with y/n so we can go eat," Mirabel says as she stands next to us with a bored expression. Mirabel may be done with my antics but she learns how to deal with it.  "Fine then let's go eat," I say letting go of Y/n's hand and walking to the dining room.


I then shake my head snapping out of my little trans. Me and Mirabel both follow Camilo to the dining room.  As we get inside I see some of the Madrigals already sitting down for dinner "Hola Everyone!" I say as I go sit next to Mirabel and Camilo. "Hola Y/n!" I hear everyone else say, the only ones there so far were Pepa, Felix, Isabela, Luisa, Dolores along with Mariano. "How are you doing Pepa, Felix?" I ask since they were the only ones not occupied at the moment. (Y/n gotta build up a good a reputation with the parents' OMG IM STUPID-) "Were doing good Mija hows you and our son of ours?" Pepa asks in a teasing voice.

Before I could speak Camilo speaks. "We're doing just fine mama leave y/n be." He says I sit there a bit shocked. I look at him and he ignores my gaze and looks away. "Ooo is my boy sticking up mad? Don't worry I'm just teasing mijo" Pepa says laughing.

*another small timeskip*

After dinner me and Mirabel decided to hang out a bit more in her room. "What should we do now?" I ask Mirabel as she closes the door on her room. "Hm we can talk about your problem from earlier." She says sitting on her bed with me. "Yeah after dinner today he surprised me a bit." I say as I look outside Mira's window looking at the sun about to finish setting. "Yeah I noticed how he helped you with Tia Pepa." She says as she looks up at me.

"Maybe he does like you y/n~" She says in a teasing voice I stay looking at the sky now turning darker to embarrassed to face her. "Are you ok y/n?" She asks I sit there observing the night sky thinking about him. We've both been friends since we were 5 years old I remember that night like it was yesterday. I already liked him a bit when I was small.

But that was just a small little thing when I was a child! There's no way i could like him now but....he's always been so sweet sure maybe be a flirt most times but he seems so genuine whenever he makes those small remarks. His smile, his laugh, his eyes, and those small little freckles you have to be so up close to notice. They all make me have small little butterflies,he makes me the most happiest whenever he's around.

"Y/N!" I hear as I shake out of my little trans. I look over at Mirabel with a frantic look on her face. "Are you ok y/n? You didn't answer me" she says as she looks at me i give her a reassuring smile.


"I really am in love with Camilo."

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙖 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙤~ Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now