Chapter 2

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"Mija wake up." I feel some shake me a bit not to hard though. I open my eyes and see my mom. "I'm up mama, I'm up." I say sitting up and then yawning. I look around my room a bit and see a dress set down on a chair. "Mama is that for me?" I say standing up and grabbing the dress while observing the embroidery on it. "Yes mija you don't have to work today you can go to the madrigals after your done with breakfast." She says putting her hands on my shoulders while we look at each other in a mirror. She then starts kissing my face and we both start laughing while I try to make her stop.

She then walks out and lets me get dressed. It was a black dress with yellow embroidery of flowers all over the bottom. I then walk out and go to eat breakfast. "Good morning dad" I say as I see my papa sitting at the table I go and sit next to him while my mama comes and sits with us. We all eat and talk about the gift ceremony today. "Mom are you and dad going to the gift ceremony?" I ask both of them. "Yes of course we wouldn't wish to miss a time to celebrate maybe you can perform with that guitar of yours" my mom says I then give her a nod maybe I can play something. I then finish an put my plate away.

"Bye mom and dad I'll see you guys later!" I say as I walk out the door and head towards the Casa Madrigal. After walking for a while and talking to some people around town I finally get to casita. I knock on the door to see who'd answer. The door opens and I see Mirabel she then smiles at me. "Hi y/n what you doing here?" she says showing her full body and opening the door more. "Oh Camilo invited me I was just coming to see if you guys need help" I say I then hear loud wind assuming Señora Pepa must be stressing. "Yes you can come in." She says as I walk in I see Señora Pepa mumbling about how if her babies ceremony isn't perfect it be terrible.

"Señora Pepa are you alright?" She then calms down her wind noticing my presence. "Ah Y/n it's so nice to see you I'm sorry you had to see me like this." She says apologizing while her little tornado starts going faster. "Señora everything we'll be just fine don't worry with everyone here Antonio's ceremony we'll be perfect." I say she then calms down and her wind disappears. "Ah Mi Vida the flowers." Felix says as the sun gets brighter and Isabella appears. "Did someone say flowers?" She says elegantly as her vines bring her down to the floor and hands Pepa more flowers.

"Thank you for calming me down y/n no wonder Camilo likes you so much!" She says as she walks off with her husband up the stairs. As I look up the stairs I see Camilo he then shapeshifters into another Jose to help the real Jose hang up the sign. I then walk up the stairs and look at Camilo he then gives me smile I then smile back. I then hear rain and thunder I look and see Señora Pepa thundering as she calls it. "Pepa your cloud!" Abuela says as she turns away from Mirabel. "I know mama but I can't find Antonio what do you want for me!" She says walking away still thundering. I then start looking around for Antonio only to see Mirabel walk into her room.

I then silently follow her she closes the door not fully though I watches what she does. She brings out a present and starts saying "this present will self destruct if you don't take it in 3..2..1 woah!" I then see the present get taken away and see her go under the bed.  I knew Antonio and Mirabel were close so I assume she's comforting him he must be nervous I then go to find Pepa.

"Señora Pepa!" I say as I catch up to her. She's still thundering while her husband is trying to calm her down. "Señora Pepa don't worry Antonio is fine I know where he is. He should be out here anytime soon."  I say as she then starts calming down her rain and cloud disappearing. "Ahh thank you y/n and no need to call me señora all the time you can call me Tiã Pepa your like family to us." She says putting her hand on my shoulder then walking away.  With her husband, Felix following her giving me a smile as I give her one in return.

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙖 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙤~ Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now