Chapter 12

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(I'm so happy you all liked chapter 11 and I've come up with an idea to write after this so it's not over just yet but I hope you enjoy!)


We arrived at the casita only to see that the WHOLE town was there. "Felicidades!" They all scream as fireworks start going off all the beautiful colors surrounding the once dark night sky. "Did you know about this mi vida?" Camilo says I'm still not used to him calling me that I start blushing a bit. "No I didn't." I say we then all walk inside the casita with all the towns people even my parents were there.

"Mama! Did you guys do all this?" I say as I run over and hug her. "No mija the Madrigals helped to." She says as we let go I look and see Camilo behind me all nervous. I drag him by his arm as he looks at me with a scared look. "Ah I'm future son in law come here mijo." She says as he walks over slowly and she puts an arm around his shoulders. "Now mijo I'm not going to scold you ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ᴍʏ ʜᴜsʙᴀɴᴅ ᴡɪʟʟ but not me so don't worry" my mama says as she laughs I see Camilo starting to look worried. "Alright now go have fun with Mi hija!" She says as she pushes him towards me. I then offer him my hand as he gives me a shy smile.

He takes my hand and we both walk away from my parents as I wave bye with my free hand. "So what should we do Mi amour?" I say as I look at him as we walk through them the crowds. We then both stop now in a corner now free from the crowd. "Hmm maybe we could just walk around and talk maybe dance and sing between some of it~" Camilo says as he smirks leaning his shoulder into mine. I laugh as I nod. "That sounds like a lot of fun especially with you~" I say as I cup his face with my hand he looks at me his attention all on me. He gives me a warm and sweet smile that just makes my heart melt.

We then both lean in and give each other a quick yet loving kiss. He then grabs my hand giving it a kiss as he intertwines his fingers with mine. We start walking talking with towns people we then bump into Mirabel and isabela who both have smirks on their faces. I look at the two of them raising a brow. "Why are you two smirking?" I ask as the look at the two of them they both look at each other and start laughing their heads off. "I'm sorry y/n but you and Camilo are so cute it's funny!" Mirabel says wiping away a tear isabela nods along with her.

"I'm glad you confessed though y/n...I'm sure my primo here should have though of something cringy" Isabela says trying to whisper to me even though Camilo heard it. His face then looks offended as he puts a hand to his chest. "Actually NO! It wouldn't be CRINGY it would've been way better then y/n's!" Camilo says as he turns the other way not facing us. "Come on Camilo we both know you weren't going to confess anytime soon!" I hear another voice say I look and see it's Dolores with Mariano. She smiles at the both of us.

I look at Camilo who's face is now red as a tomato. "ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ..." he says as he shy's away I laugh at his cute reaction. I place a hand on his arm as I try and look at his face giggling a bit. He then smiles back at me and faces the three of us again. "We'll leave you two go have fun now!" Mirabel says as her and Isabela walk away. "I have a question to ask you mi cielito." He says it's going to take me a while to get used to all these new nicknames. "What is it?" I say looking at him he looks away from my gaze watching the people dancing. "Why did you fall in love with me?" He asks why eyes widening from his question.

Well here goes nothing. I stand there looking at the people dance as I feel his gaze now on me. "Hmm where should I start we'll I'd have to say since we were 5 Ive always had some short of feelings for you that I couldn't understand but as I got older I realized what they was all love your laugh,your jokes, those cheesy cheesy pick up lines, and the way you've treated me as a friend and now" I say as I grab his hand looking at him. "My sweet and loving boyfriend." I finish his eyes widen as red starts to creep onto his cheeks.

He now stands there all flustered while looking at me. I then laugh at him and he has a VERY dramatic fit. "Now it's my turn to ask Why did you fall in love with me?" I ask him back as he looks at me. He looks more serious then before. "Hmm I'd say it's because your the first person that was truly my real friend....yea I was friends with other kids in town but they all liked me cause I'm a "Madrigal" and of my gift but you..." he says looks at the night sky smiling. "Your the first person who was my friend because of not my gift but for who I truly was and the fact that you were cute and sweet just made it better for me. I've tried to date you soon but alas you play hard to get Mi vida~" he says looking at me with a smile.

I feel my eyes water a bit. He's such a sweetheart. "Ahh your going to make me cry!" I say as I laugh trying to keep no tears from coming out my eyes. I feel him put his hands on my shoulders. "Ah no don't cry Mi amour!" He says in a tone now filled with worry. I then turn my head to look at him his expression relaxes a bit. I put my hand on his face culling his cheek with both hands. "I love you so much Camilo I hope you know that." I say giving him a warm smile. He smiles back I could see his eyes start to water a bit.

He then lets out a chuckle and puts his hands on top of mine that now cup his face. "Now your going to have me cry y/n!" He says we both start laughing and hug each other holding each other run our warm embrace. We let go but he keeps his arm wrapped around my waist. "I have somewhere I'd like to take you n/n." Camilo says as he guide me out of the casita. Where is he taking me?

We have successfully snuck out the casita. I feel Camilo put his hands over my eyes. "What are you doing?!" I say putting my hands over his. After walking for a while I feel is come to a stop. "Are we here?" I ask Camilo his eyes still on my eyes. "Yes but keep them close I need to do something real quick!" He says I keep my eyes close as I feel his hands move away from my face. I hear shuffling and whispering. "Ok now you can open!" I hear Camilo say I then open my eyes as my eyes whiten at the sight in front of me.

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙖 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙤~ Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now