Chapter 8

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(Hello I'm sick unfortunately and my phone seems to be glitchy Ig so I'm trying to figure out the problem so I can get chapters out faster but anyway I hope you enjoy! 💖)


The casita then started crumbling cracks appearing in the walls going towards the candle. I and Mirabel look at each other and nod we then start running to get the candle. "Casita let us up!" I yell out the side of the wall coming down so we can climb it. as I climb I see Camilo and Isabela trying to get it but Isabela falls her vines going away and Camilo tries to shapeshift but he turns back to his normal self. "Casita help Camilo!" the casita then gives him a softer landing than he would have by making him roll onto a piece of the wall we were climbing.

We then get onto the roof I hear calls from the other madrigals telling us to come down. "Y/n, Mirabel please come down!' i hear a familiar voice say I then try to grab it but couldn't reach it Mirabel then grabs it and we get pushed down lead to the floor by the casita. I look up as the house starts falling apart the casita then covers both me and Mira. we huddle up together protecting the candle everything then falls. "Y/N!" I hear Camilo yell we and Mirabel look at the candle it then goes out.

We both look around nothing left of the casita I once knew just broken pieces of walls and saddened family. I then hear someone walk up to us I look and it's Mirabel's mom. "are you both hurt?!" she asks looking over at both of us and grabbing Mirabel's chin. I then hear Pepa start yelling out her name. "don't worry ill be right back you two!" Mirabel then gets up I sit there for a little then get up as well. "wheres Mirabel?" I hear Julieta say in fear I don't know exactly where she went but I'm letting her have her time alone. I walk over to Abuela. "I hope you go look for her..." I say my voice filled with anger. I gave her a glare while staring at her she looks up at me her face filled with sorrow. "she did nothing wrong in fact she was saving the miracle just so she can make you proud...That's all she wanted." I finished saying as I turn I saw Dolores behind me as if she was going to stop me if I yelled at Abuela. I then start walking into the rainforest trying to get through all of the broken walls.

Surprised he hasn't found me yet I don't want him to he's probably mad about me being so foolish. I then walk around to look for Mirabel.

Camilo POV

Where did she go? Is she safe?

Is she still alive?
I hear tia calling out for Mirabel so maybe y/n is still around here. "Y/N!" I start yelling out I look around under the broken walls and wood. I can't find her anywhere I see my mama and Antonio. My mama then looks at me with a sad look. I walk up to her and hug her I then start tearing up a bit crying into her shoulder. "I'm afraid mama, what if I lost her I can't find her anywhere," I say she then strokes my hair calmingly. "It's okay mi amour well find her along with Mirabel too," my mama says I then let go of her and wipe my tears away. She's right will find both of them.

*a small timeskip*


It took me a while but I found her she was sitting on a rock crying. "Mira..." I say as I walk up to her she hugs me I then hug her back sitting next to her.  "it's alright Mira let it out" I say as I rub her back with my hand in circles I then see Abuela appear I then let go and motion my head Mirabel looks and turns away again. "go ill give you both space" I say I then walk away and give them some time watching from afar. After some time they go into the river and start hugging as butterflies come out along with the sun as well. It was such a beautiful sight. I then hear noises behind me that sounded like a horse or something. I turn a see something green on a horse I could t see it clearly cause of how fast the horse was going.

"She didn't do it I gave her a vision!" I see someone say it turns out it was Bruno he tries to get off the horse but he almost falls he then walks up to Abuela trying to explain herself before she hugs him. Mirabel walks up to me. "Let's go back come on!" She says as she goes up to the horse. I follow behind her she hops on and I hop on sitting behind her Bruno and Abuela get on as well. Bruno looks confused. "where are we going?" he asks unsure. Mirabel then breathes in. "home" is all she says as she pulls on the horse we then start riding back towards where to casita used to be on the horse.

*another small-time skip sorry*

we then made it back and Mirabel hops off the horse and then runs away I then hop off after and follow her. "Mirabel!" I hear Mirabel's mom yell. I catch up and see them both hugging I smile as stood and watched them both. "Y/n Mija!" I hear someone next to me say I look and see it's my parents there eyes red to show they were crying. They run up to me and hug me I hug them back. "I'm ok mama I'm ok you guys," I say as I laugh they both kiss my forehead. "I know we were just worried and someone else was too," they say in a teasing voice. I look around and see Camilo his eyes a bit red and his face relieved. I let go of them and walk over to him he then jumps on me wrapping his arms around my neck hugging me tightly. I hug him back he was probably worried about where I was I mean I disappeared out of nowhere after the casita fell apart.

"I'm happy your ok," he says as I hear him sniffling a bit. "you're not hurt are you?!" he says letting go of our hug and putting his hands on my shoulders. I then laugh "Of course, I'm ok Camilo." I say then let out a relieved breath. "Good," he says I then look around and see Mirabel and everyone walking into the mess that was once the casita. "let's go come on!" I say as I held out my hand for him. I then pull him towards where everyone else was.

We all then start rebuilding the casita we all once knew along with help from everyone in town. During this time Dolores got to Confess to Mariano with the help of Mirabel and Isabela. They both have tried to make me confess but I didn't budge I'm not going to tell him, at least not yet the times are not right yet. (it will happen soon trust me 😏)

We now all stand outside the house we finished building just waiting for the last finishing touch. "Just one more thing before we start the celebration." "what?" Mira says looking at her Abuela. "we need a doorknob" Bruno says standing next to Mirabel. "We made this one for you," Antonio says as he walks up to her with the door nob we all helped make especially for Mirabel. She looks up at me and I nod she walks up towards the door with her Abuela beside her she puts the door nob in and the door starts glowing just like how it did during all the gift ceremonies. and the house starts turning into what the casita once looked like.

I look at the door and now it has all members of the Madrigal family. "Hola Casita," Mirabel says waving to the house. Then tiles of the house then start taking her inside the brand new casita. "Come on in!" she says as she waves at all of us the tiles of the floor then leads us into the casita. We all then walk inside the new casita the doors that once had everyone's unique design was sparkling and glowing just like how the candle used to. We all then start celebrating Pepa and Felix dancing in Pepa's little hail storm. Isabela now growing the beautiful and unique plants she did before.  Lucia is finally relaxing for once. I then lost sight of Camilo, what's he up to? 

I then feel my arm get pulled somewhere I see Mirabel now next to me and I see who pulled my arm and it was Camilo. "What are you two up to?" I say then both look at each other with smirks I then see the rest of the Madrigal family come up behind them and a guy getting ready with a camera. "Wait why am I in this? This is supposed to be a family picture right?!" I say Camilo then laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder. "That's the thing Mi Amour you are like family to all of us." He says I look around and everyone nods I then smile. "Everyone LA FAMILIA MADRIAHHH" Before we could finish the casita pushed us together more the picture was kind of messed up but that was ok because it caught all of us including those small blushes me and Camilo both had that day. 

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙖 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙤~ Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now