The End of an Old Tale

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(Y/n and Camilo are both 31 in this timeskip)

A few years has passed since these two have been together now living a wonderful life of course you didn't think that it just be them two forever right?


"Victoria can you bring me that dress for your sister?" I ask Victoria who now comes dashing into the room with a little dress. "Thank you mija" I say as I grab it from her and start putting it on my youngest daughter Camila. Camilo kept bugging me on how he wanted the second baby we had to have a name similar to his.

"Are my gorgeous girls ready?!" I hear a loving voice come from somewhere in the house. "Papi!" I hear Victoria say as she runs off i then finish dressing Camila I pick her up and now carry her in my arms. I walk over to the sounds of laughs and giggles. I see Camilo carrying Victoria in the air while spinning her around.

I laugh at there little crazy antics. Camilo looks at me with a smile, the same smile he gave when we first started dating. Of course we're not dating anymore he's my husband. He puts Victoria down and walks over to me. "And how's my beautiful esposa doing?" He says kissing my lips as he takes Camila from my arms and cradles her. "I'm doing just fine now I think we have someone's ceremony to get going to~" I say as i kneel down to tickle Victoria. She laughs as I pick her up and hold her in my arms.

We all walk out of the room. The one which used to be Camilo's we all live in casa Madrigal. Today was Victorias ceremony she had her birthday recently so she's now 5. We all head downstairs to meet everyone else all the towns people should be arriving soon. As we head downstairs I see Pepa and Felix along with my parents there. "Ahh my Grand babies are growing up so fast!" My mama says as she takes Camila from my hands. Felix goes to play with Victoria they've always been close since she was a baby.

"How's Mi princesa doing?" Felix asks her as he kneels down to her height. "Great! Abuelo I can't wait to see my what gift I get." She says as she puts her hands up in the air with an exited look on her face. She already had her ceremony outfit on her white dress that I remember seeing all the other Madrigal kids wear when they were younger. "We'll that's good it seems our guests are arriving!" Felix says as I see people start walking up to the casita. All the other madrigals go a greet the guests as me,Camilo, Victoria and Camila go behind a curtain where usually the ceremony starts.

"Are you ready mi Hija?" I ask Victoria I see her once excited face now look nervous. I look about to talk again until Camilo steps in. "Don't worry mi cariño when I first had my ceremony I was nervous too but I did meet your mama there so I'd say it was the best night of my life! You will do great and you'll get an wonderful gift that's perfect just for you." He says as he points at her with a smile she then nods and smiles. "Your right papa I'm ready!" Just as she says that Antonio comes moving the curtain only showing his head. "It's almost time chica!" He says with a smile. "You'll do great!" He then leaves the curtain swaying a bit until it stops. "We'll be eating for you toria." I say as I walk out with Camilo holding Camila in my arms we walk up the stairs up to Victorias glowing door.

Now I know how Pepa and Julieta must have felt I'm so nervous.. I then feel a hand slip into mine I look and se sits Camilo he gives me a reassuring smile noticing how nervous I was. I give him a smile back and I see Mirabel walk onto the stairs the ceremony's starting.

"As you may all know we were once given a miracle a candle that built this wonderful home, and blessed each and every one of us madrigals with a gift. Unfortunately I didn't get one but that's alright I have a wonderful family and that's all I ever need. Our miracle once broke but with the help of you all we built what once was broken and now we are here to celebrate as another gift comes into the light." Mirabel says as the lights turn to the curtain we were once at and Victoria stands there before the corpus as they all clap. Mirabel then walks up the stairs towards us and stands near her door.

Victoria then starts walking down the walk way of people looking up at us the whole time. She then makes it up to the door and looks at Mirabel. "Go ahead Victoria." She then grabs the doorknob and the door shimmers and glows just like during all the past ceremony's. As that happens I notice that Victoria's hand starts sparking a bit like little sparklers.

"Victoria your hand mija!" I say as she looks at her hand another spark comes out a little higher then the one from before. She then aims her finger towards the sky as a another spark flys up into the air and sparks up its like she can create fireworks. Her door then showed up with her and then little firework designs around it.

"THW NEW GIFT EVERYONE!" Mirabel says she she picks up Victoria everyone cheers as Victoria points her finger up in the air as fireworks go off. What an interesting gift Victoria seems to love it
"Now let's Celebrate!" Everyone then starts parting like before Mirabel had put down Victoria as she walked over to us. "You want to see your new room?" I ask her she then nods excitingly she then turns her door mob and walks inside the room starts getting bigger.

It's covered in so many colors,different shades I didn't know existed. She then looks at her new room in awe. There's was a flowers everywhere that almost looked like different shades of fire. There were reds,greens,blues,and so many more. Her room was the most beautiful one I've seen yet besides isabela's. There was a bed on top on a platform it was up on some short of hill almost short of like Antonio's so we had to use the stairs to get to her bed. "MY ROOM IS SOO COOL!" She exclaims as she starts running around checking out her new room.

"Well I'd admit her room is cool." Camilo says watching Victoria look around. I look at him and smile. "Yea but she's happy and that's what counts." I say as I look at Victoria who's now playing with Camila on her new bed showing her all the new fascinating things about her cool room. I feel Camilo's gaze now on me.

I then feel arms wrap around my waist from behind Camilo's head in between my the crook of my neck. I lean my head against his. "Your a great mother and wife by the way even though it took you years to figure out my crush on yo-" before he can finish I interrupted him. "Your never going to let that go are you?" I say as I turn my head to look at him he looks at me with a smirk. "Nope" he says popping the 'p'.

"Your a great dad to and husband as well even though I was the first to confess-" Camilo then interrupts me. "I was going to but you beat me to it!" He wines i then laugh as he lets go. Still the same even as adults he never changes. "Come on Camilo lets go." I say as I walk up to Victoria and Camila.

Camilo following behind me I sit on Victorias bed as Camilo sits on the other side. "Hey Mami?" I hear Victoria say. I look at her as Camilo watches over Camila. "Yes Mi hija?" I say as she then climbs into my lap. "How did you and Papa get together?" She says I look up at Camilo who looks at me surprised. I smile as I look away from Camilo down to Victoria.

Camilo gets closer to me and Victoria with Camila in his hands as we all sit around on Victorias bed.

"Well Mija it all started when me and your Papa were 15 years old."

(I hope you all enjoyed this sorry sadly this is the end and I'm so sad this story has come to and end but I'm so happy you all liked this story and

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙖 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙤~ Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now