Chapter 13

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My eyes widen in shock as I look at the scenery in front of me. There was a beautiful set up with one of the musicians from town I remember seeing him a few times in our shop. There were lanterns hanging on the branches of the tree it wasn't the hill were I told him my feelings but it was this area near a creek.

Francisco,the guy who visits our shop. He was there sitting on a rock with his guitar smiling at the two of us. Camilo steps in front of me and offers his hand. He smiles as he speaks "I was thinking that maybe we could have some alone time away from all the people." I then take his hand and he lead me to more of the center of the more grassy area. We then just start slow dancing my hand in his and his hand around my waist my other hand resting on his shoulder.

Francisco then start strumming his guitar and playing a sweet melody.

(Listen to "We belong together" by Ritchie Valens while reading this)

We both look into each other's eyes as we dance I still can't believe he's my boyfriend. He looks so handsome under the candle light.

Camilo POV

As we start dancing we sway to the melody as we look each other both in each other eyes. She's so beautiful, she's always been so beautiful. I can't believe she's my girlfriend. She looks gorgeous under the light. Her e/c eyes shinning against the light.

I start humming along with the song that Francisco was playing and y/n giggles. I then start full on singing with the song.

Bold = together
Italics = Camilo

"Your mine, and we belong together"

"Yes, we belong together"

"For eternity"

Francisco keeps playing as I wait for when it gets to the part for me to sing again. As we sway to the music looking at each other absolutely lovesick. She then smiles at me as she shakes her head looking at the floor. "Are you coping me now?" She whispers i give her a strange look and then chuckle. "No love I just wanted some alone time with you." She then just blushes as she keeps smiling at me.

"Your mine, Your lips belong to me"

"Yes they belong to only me"

"For eternity"

I then stop singing again as I wait a minute until I go back to singing I hear y/n take a breath as she smirks and looks at me. What's she up to? I then start sing only to have another voice join me.

"Your my, my baby"

"And you'll always be"

"I swear by everything I own"

"You'll always, always be mine"

"Your mine"

"And we belong together"

"Yes we belong together"

"For eternity~"

As me and y/n finish singing I slowly dipped her and look at her lovingly. She smiles and I slowly bring her back up. Next thing I know it her hands grab my faces and she bring me into a kiss. It was a passionate and gentle. She wraps her arms around my neck as I wrap my arms around her torso.

I feel her smile into the kiss. We of course stop to catch air. She looks at me with a smile. "Why don't we go back to the casita it's been a long day." I say I nod as I smile with her. (P.s. they ain't gonna do nothing nasty)

"Thank you Francisco for helping me with this." I say as I look at him. "no problem Camilo hope you both have a good night!" He says as he gets up and walks back to his home. "Let's go Mi amour" I say as I wrap my arm around her torso and walk back to the casita.


We walk back to the casita as we walk up to it some people are leaving and going back home I see my parents standing out sit with Pepa and Felix. They turn and look at the both of us with smirks and start laughing. We then approach them. "Where we're the two do you lovebirds?" Pepa saying teasingly putting her hand on her hips. I then feel my face get hot of embarrassment.

"We we're just out for a bit mama don't worry." I hear Camilo say. I hear everyone laugh. "Don't worry we're just teasing." I hear my mama say as she walks over to me "do you want to stay the night mija?" My mama says with a smile I look at Camilo who smiles. "Yea I'll be home the morning mama." I say she then nods. "Ok mija have a good night." She kisses my forehead and my dad comes over and hugs me. "Bye goodnight mama,papa." I say as I wave goodbye to the both of them.

"Come on Im sure your both tired." Pepa says as the four of us walk inside pepa and Felix head towards their room. Me and Camilo head towards his he opens the door and I follow in after him. "Come on Mi amour lets get some sleep." Camilo says as he yawns. I then laugh as his cute behavior never seen him this tired before.

"Alright let's go mimis Camilo" I say he opens his arms as he sat on his bed i then walk over and hug him. He then falls back so I'm now laying on top of him. He then grabs the blanket as we start getting more comfortable. I put my head on his chest and we both wrap our arms around each other.

"buenas noches Mi vida" Camilo says in a sleepy voice. I smile as I close my eyes "buenas noches my love~" I say before I fall into a deep sleep.

(Hope you enjoyed and unfortunately there's at least one more chapter until this story I over but I'm so glad you all liked this story)

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙖 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙤~ Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now