Chapter 20

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Homophobic language


"You stayed..."

Oikawa nods at that as he looks at Iwa with a glare. "Why..."

Because I like you, idiot

Oikawa shrugs watching Iwa try to come up with a logical reason Oikawa stayed as they had planned. The reality was, it wasn't logical at all, so Iwaizumi would never figure it out. "I don't know." Oikawa finally says after a moment of just thinking. Their eyes meet, Oikawa unsure if he should be pissed or sad. Both?

Iwaizumi gulps, he didn't really know what to say. He knew he had to apologize but that wouldn't be enough. He really fucked up. "My house?" He asks hesitantly. Oikawa sighs again and looks up at the sky. Why was he even there?

"Sure." He steps away from the wall, still keeping his responses short and harsh. Iwaizumi nods and slowly turns, starting down the sidewalk towards his house. Oikawa follows close behind, still debating whether he should actually stay and listen to Iwaizumi's explanation. If he even has one.

Iwaizumi doesn't say anything though, still trying to determine how he would go about this, so Oikawa speaks first. "If me being gay bothers you, you could have just said so at the beginning." He is cold and straight to it, making Iwaizumi stumble slightly as he looks at the boy, eyes wide.

"Wha- I- It doesn't." Oikawa rolls his eyes, breathing a chuckle at how ridiculous that statement was.

"Really? 'I'm not a fucking fag, that's disgusting so just shut up.' You really want me to believe you don't care I'm gay after that." Oikawa speaks sadly, feeling so over this whole thing. Why of all people did it have to be him?

Iwaizumi stops after Oikawa says that, grabbing his wrist and forcing the boy to stop and look at him. "I don't give a shit if you are gay." Iwaizumi looks into his eyes sternly which makes Oikawa gulp. "It's not as if being gay changes who you are as a person. Whether you are gay, straight, bi, whatever you are still the annoying brat who calls me Iwa-chan." He says the last part lightheartedly which made Oikawa smiles a little. "I'm so sorry about what I said. I really didn't mean it, I just, Ichiro gets on my fucking nerves and I can't fucking stand the shit he says sometimes." Iwaizumi sighs, loosening his grip on Oikawa's wrist enough so his hand actually slips down into Oikawa's. "There's no real excuse for the shit I said. But I really am sorry and I don't care if you're gay. Really." It was out of character and weird but Iwaizumi actually gives Oikawa's hand a little squeeze before he lets go. Oikawa's stomach filled with butterflies when he did that. Fuck why did he even do that?

"If you hate the shit he says, why don't you ever do anything about it? Something other than beating the shit out of him." Iwaizumi laughs lightly at that as the two start walking again.

"I've tried. I mean tried talking, I don't know. Out of all of us, Ichiro is closest with the captain, Takeshi, and he is always threatening to get me kicked off the team if I keep defending you guys." Oikawa hums.

"So you're scared." He didn't really mean it to be mean or insulting, even if that's how it came across. It was a general statement. Iwaizumi narrows his eyes slightly before sighing.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Oikawa was shocked that Iwaizumi actually admitted to that. Iwaizumi even seemed shocked at his own confession. Oikawa wanted to ask about it but they reached Iwaizumi's house before he got the chance.

Oikawa felt better about the whole situation as they entered his house and got ready to watch some movies as they planned. Iwaizumi's apology seemed genuine. He was still a little hurt and mad but he forgave Iwaizumi. The real asshole was Ichiro and they both agreed about that.

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