introduction i think?

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Daniel would walk back to camp,his hair slightly damp from the snowflakes that fell on him during his time in Antarctica.He had made the temple but during it all he thought about his encounter with Xemug.It was all rather uncanny..he already had plenty of temples,so why another? A sacrifice was what he had wanted,and xemug is always clear with what he wants and what he says.Thats when it hit him..he was tricked.Xemug would not have changed his mind suddenly,he also wouldn't come to earth unless the sacrifice was made,and he wouldn't use such words as errr or ummm.David had clearly made a fool out of him,mocking his god as well! Daniel felt humilated..was he really that much of an idiot to fall for Davids dumb trick? yes,yes he was. He smiled the closer he got to camp,he had sent gwen away by posting her some dumb spar tickets that aloud her to disappear for a week or two,as there was a fancy hotel included in the offer. Now he could torment David all he wanted without a possible distraction,as for the campers..they will be dealt with.Daniel finally made it,he saw the welcome sign bathed in moonlight.He will ruin this camp and get revenge on david..he walked in the camp,heading straight for david's cabin.

"im coming for you.."

L is for a Lunatic called DanielWhere stories live. Discover now