The Night

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Davids rubbed his neck and looked at Daniel,still stood against the wall.This blondes Presence filled him with fear,He was nervous and in some what disbelief that Daniel had returned.

What was going to happen this time...what was his plan? What if i can't stop Daniel this time?David thought to himself. No,no don't think like that...just focus on the problem at hand right now.All i have to do is..stay awake? Is that really it? He looked at Daniel with curiosity,the blonde was still staring at David with an amused grin,David shied away from the stare and looked down.He stopped rubbing his neck and put them to his sides.Surely Daniel has something else planned,i doubt he came all the way here to make me stay awake and stare.I need to know his true intentions.

David gulped back his fear and looked at Daniel again in the eyes,trying to act as if he wasn't afraid.

"Daniel-"He said with a wobbly voice.David quickly recomposed himself to speak normally,"-I know your back here because i well,mocked your God but what do you plan to do with us all? We may as well talk about it if we have all night" 

Daniel replied with silence and continued to stare,the grin never leaving his face.David held his left arm clearly uncomfortable but didn't back down from the stare. "well? Answer me Daniel."

Daniel scoffed and shook his head looking aside.Does this dumb twink not realise i can see right through him like glass? I see you David...scared but trying not to show it,trying to assert some kind of authority over me.How pathetic and amusing..."Why so far away from me Davey? Come sit beside me,i won't bite" He'd pat the bed and smile normally at David.

"I think i'd rather keep my distance,Daniel."

Daniels smile turned into a frown,"I wasn't asking,i was telling you.Come sit beside me.I might not bite you" His voice was slightly monotone.

Jesus he gives me the creeps,David thought,but neither the less he came over and sat beside him with caution.Daniel smiled and put his arm around David pulling him closer making David feel more nervous and tense. "So David you want to know what i have planned hmm..?" He waited in silence waiting for an answer from David,David just nodded his head. Good enough,Daniel thought. "Well i came back just for you David! How honoured you must feel that someone gives enough of a dam to dedicate there time on you..and believe me us two are going to be in each others pockets for a while."

David looked worried and stared fear stricken at the floor in front of him,his hands balled into sweaty nervous fists resting on his lap.Will i end up dying...?

"I could of harmed the campers but i don't see the point in that..12 dead little brats are just sooo much effort and just imagine all the blood i'd have to wash of me!" He shook his head, " And i can imagine how difficult Max would be..why i would have to stab him more than once you know,maybe break his ankle-"

"ENOUGH DANIEL!" David yelled.

David suddenly went quite again after yelling..Oh no..David thought.Daniel looked at David wide eyed and surprised,he wasn't expecting David to actually speak back yet alone yell.He looked annoyed now and grabbed David by the neck pulling him close into his side.

"Did you just yell at me? Whilst i was speaking David?" He asked with an aggressive smile, "That's pretty rude you know" Daniel gripped his hand tighter onto Davids neck,David squirmed  and tried to pull away,grabbing Daniels fingers trying to pry them off.

" You know what Daniel i did! Why wouldn't i of? You was plaguing my mind with awful thoughts about max and the campers!" He managed to pry Daniel's hand of him and slip away from his embrace even when Daniel tried to grab him again." Your just a nasty and mean character Daniel so of course i can't bare half the things you say and i need a break from your voice a lot so just shush!" Whilst saying all this he backed away from Daniel and stood beside the bedside table,Daniel stared with anger,the pupils of his eyes changing to pinpricks.

"What a gobby and hurtful remark David" Daniel stood up slowly,his eye was twitching and his smile grew wider."I seemed to have changed my mind about the punishment David" He snapped his neck and slowly approached closer to David,David had dumbly cornered himself in between the bed and the bedside table against the wall.He gulped in fear eyeing Daniel..if he planned to anger Daniel it certainly worked as the blonde was less than a meter away now and had his dagger on show again.Fuck..David would think then he glanced at the lamp on the bedside table.Only if necessary,if i used it against Daniel i'd be no better than him i suppose using violence,David thought.

David put his hands out,palms facing to Daniel as well as holding a nervous smile"How about we just calm down an-AAH!" Daniel had swept Davids legs from under him making him fall down against the wall,David looked up at Daniel about to speak but then the blonde grabbed his jaw and stuck his thumb in Davids mouth pressing his thumb down on his tongue. David went wide eyed and made a muffled sound of shock,more fear was building up.To Davids horror the blonde had placed his dagger into his mouth,David made more muffled sounds and looked terrified,he tried to back away more but obviously couldn't because of the wall.Daniel firmly held Davids jaw and made sure he was looking up at him fully,he was smiling with his teeth on show now.

"I think i know how to sort your gobby-ness out,you just need to not talk at lets just take away that silly tongue of yours." He chuckled lowly looking down at a trembling David,he noticed a bit of drool drip down from the corner of Davids mouth as well as his tear full eyes.How pathetic yet adorable..hes hopeless and fully at my mercy yet again..Daniel would think.He snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of David trying to form a sentence but only ended up making sounds and producing more drool. "What a mess you are,and how disgusting that your getting drool on my hand..anyways lets commence!"

Daniel was about to slice Davids tongue but suddenly he ended up being kicked in the balls by a fear full David,He staggered back slightly cutting Davids inner cheek by mistake as he did so.David made a scared whimper and shakily wiped away the drool and slight trickle of blood of his face,he then reached up to grab the lamp. NOW IS NECESSARY! David thought as he grabbed the lamp.Daniel was bucked over groaning,as soon as he saw David grab the lamp he came back over and snatched the lamp away from David,tossing is far on the bed. "wait no.." David uttered to himself,he was rendered hopeless again much to his despair.Daniel got a cloth out from his trouser pocket and pored a bottle of liquid on it,his expression was furious."This will make it easier.." Daniel said to himself as he finished poring the liquid and put it away.David was shaking hard..he really didn't want to do this but he had no choice..Daniel was a major threat at the moment and had to b dealt with.

David would stand up and charge at Daniel with speed,knocking the off guard blonde onto the ground."ow-"Daniel would exclaim,he tried to get back up but David had quickly scrambled on top of him,gripping both his wrists with one hand and manged to get the cloth in his possession.Daniel looked mortified at the current position he was in. "Let me go this instant David or there will be consequences!" Daniel said angrily,glaring at David. 

 David shook his head,he was crying again and spoke with a shaky voice. "No i wont-i-i need to do this" Daniel squirmed trying to break lose his arms but no result,David just tightened his grip harshly and firm making Daniel wince slightly.Daniel may be a murderous and dangerous person but what he lacks is muscles,David however has been chopping logs,carrying fallen trees and has done plenty of exercise with the campers.He had more strength than Daniel but would only use that if necessary."Let me go and i'll be easier on you David"Daniel said calmly,trying to convince David. David sighed and shook his head again"im sorry but.." he held the rag "this is for the better"Daniel understood what David was going to do.."wait do-"He was cut of as David had pressed the rag down over his nose and mouth,his eyes widened.Daniel let out muffled cries and angry yells,he arched his back,squirmed,shook his head but it would amount to nothing.David was not letting Daniel get away or stay awake,he just stared at Daniel with an unreadable expression,crying silently.Daniel looked at David with half lidded and unfocused eyes,he stopped moving and his muffles where no longer loud but very faint before becoming silent.Finally he shut his eyes and went limp much to Davids relief..he sat up right on Daniel and removed the cloth looking at him.He wasn't as scary when asleep and still.

what to do now..?

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