Daniel arrives

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David was humming to himself as he tidied up the cabin,ready to fall asleep soon.Today had been tough and challenging since Gwen had hastily left this morning,exited about receiving some tickets...oh well.David can handle whatever life throws at him and somehow come back out with a smile. He finally finished and sat down on his bed,leaning back on his elbows,he looked up and sighed...the day was over,some rest at last.He closed his eyes appreciating the silence and calm,that is until he heard a 3 sudden loud knocks. He opened his eyes and looked over to the door frowning..guess the day wasn't over yet. He sighed tiredly and got up heading to the door,it was probably space kid having a bad dream again or Nikki having another "normal" dream.He opened the door and put on his award winning smile.

"Whats the.." his smile dropped and eyes widened in fear"problem.....Daniel!?"

David moved to shut the door,but then Daniel put his foot out in the door frame,smiling aggressively.

"Not even a little hello? A howdy? Or a, Hey!Long time no see Daniel!..hmm?" Daniel would ask raising an eyebrow.

David shook his head and tried to close the door on Daniel. "Your not welcome here Daniel so please..leave!"

"I'll give you an option David,let me in or leave me out here alone..with the campers..with a dagger in my hand...So,whats your choice! oh..and you have to the count of five to decide or i'll choose myself!" Daniel laughed and tapped on the door with his dagger.

Gosh darn it,David had thought.He was stuck in a no win situation,however inviting Daniel to come in would be safer than leaving him outside with the campers..

"1,2,3,4,5!" Daniel had quickly counted,"well looks like i'm staying out here then,hope you'll like the new red decor.."

"Wait Daniel!" David opened the door and grabbed Daniels wrist, "Come in here instead,not out there."

Daniel grinned and shook his arm away from David."No no..you failed to make a choice at the count of 5,so i decide to stay out here" He would slowly walk away.

David panicked slightly,worried for the campers safety. "Wait no! Please Daniel,come in here instead!"

"Oh?" Daniel would turn around face him,his smile growing further. "Begging now are we? Hmm...beg a little more and i might just come in there instead" He'd put his hands on his hips,waiting for David to beg.

David frowned,was this guy for real? He would exhale through his nose,bothered by Daniels demands but neither the less did them.

"Daniel please,come in here instead of staying outside with the campers. I would like it better if you was in here instead.Please listen and come here,i want you in here...please?" David felt humiliated,was he really begging a cultist to come in his cabin despite the possible chance he himself would get hurt? Guess so..

Daniel frowned and looked like he was thinking it over,he crossed his arms and tapped his cheek with the tip of his dagger. "hmm..." He stared at David,drawing out the wait until finally he decided.He smiled and looked cheery. "Okay then David!" He would walk towards David. David sighed in relief. Daniel walked up to David and shoved him inside the cabin,making him fall on the floor. Once in himself he turned around and shut the door.

David looked up uneasy at Daniel,he propped himself up on his elbows. "why are you here again? your not..welcome" Daniel let out a low chuckle and turned his head to face David.

"I am welcome here silly,you just begged me to come in here..so therefore if i'm aloud in here i'm aloud in the camp in general." David was about to retaliate but decided against it,he just sighed in response looking down.

"Are you going to harm me?" David asked,he looked back up at Daniel.

"Of course!" Daniel replied cheerfully,he walked over and grabbed David by his hair dragging him up to his feet.David whimpered and held onto Daniels arm.Daniel brought him close to his face,his expression was now serious,dull and stern. 

"No one makes a fool of me and gets away with it,David" He whispered harshly.

David winced and shied away from Daniels glare, "wha-what do you mean? what are you saying? Please have mercy!"

"mercy..ha! You'd love that hmm?" He would throw David against a wall then quickly go up to him,pushing his arm on Davids throat,David would hold onto his arm. 

"Please Daniel be reasonable..what is this all about?!" David would plead,fear present in his eyes.

"You my friend,thought you was ever so clever..pretending to be my beloved God. That is quite offensive don't you think? Mocking Xemug" He leaned harder on Davids neck. "it's something worthy of a punishment,and don't you dare,don't you DARE beg me not to!You deserve this, in fact you deserve much worse but luckily i'm a nice person..if i was a different cultist,you would be edged near death every day." He studied Davids face,full of fear and anticipation.Daniel relaxed his face,letting it seem comforting. He used his other hand to stroke David's cheek using the tip of his dagger,David would flinch and looked at the dagger worried.

"Hey,eyes to me please. You should be more afraid of the person holding the dagger,not the dagger itself..understand?"

David nodded slightly and returned his gaze to Daniel,Daniel would sigh happily then smirk.

"So David..let's have some fun"

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