Cliff Fall

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David couldn't help but shake as he looked at Daniels limp body,he couldn't believe that he had done that.Violence is not Davids thing.He slowly got of of Daniel and and sat by the blondes side hugging and rocking himself,he breathed slowly squeezing his eyes shut.He then slowly count to ten and let out a big exhale to calm his nerves.

What should i do..? Hand him to the police? Place him under my care whilst hes tied up?....Kill him? Wait no! David shook his head. Don't think such things! Hmm....David stopped rocking himself and gazed at the lifeless blonde.Daniel was a dangerous man,he can't stay here...but then again is it really the best to hand him over to the police? David furrowed his brows. Wait yes! He almost killed Max! Prison life should teach Daniel a lesson or two.He saw Daniels dagger and pocketed it.

David scooped the blonde up,then walked over to his bed.

Jeez..Daniels lighter than i thought and more slender than often must he eat?

He laid Daniel down then went to the door grabbing his brown jacket and phone.He looked at Daniel with pity then shook his head,changing his expression to slight hate.

Daniel has to go.He would kill everyone if given the chance. 

He walked out the door and slammed it hard,hopefully loud enough to stir Daniel.He had a plan.He walked to max's tent hurriedly with a look of determination.

I shouldn't get a child involved with a cultist..especially a cultist who swore revenge on the poor kid.He sighed. Yet then again Max is mature and smart,he will be perfectly fine.David went into Max's tent.

/im rubbish at keeping to a 1st or a 2nd and whatever person this is in btw/

I walked into max's tent and felt uneasy,it seemed awfully rude of me to disrupt his sleep,but then again i needed some help and well max is my first option.I sighed and shook max awake slightly raising my voice to speak his name  and get him to wake up.

Max had jolted awake alarmed,and smacked Davids hands away,"Jesus David!What the fuck are you doing!? What do you want!? Can't you see i'm asleep,AKA my body's way of telling people to fuck off?!" David completely ignored Max's swearing and questions and shoved his phone into Max's hands."Look max there's no time for questions you just have to listen to me,and do not panic everything is in control its just..."David smiled nervously and looked to the side tapping his fingers together."Daniel is!" David looked at Max with a look of certainty and placed his hand on his hip whilst pointing upwards."Here is what i want you to do.."

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself staring up at the cabin ceiling.



I sat up and became aware of my surroundings,i was placed on his bed.I couldn't help but scowl as i scanned the room looking for my dagger and perhaps David.How could i allow that to happen to me? humiliating being bested by that,that twink! I got up fast of the bed and suddenly felt my head go dizzy for a sec,i quickly recomposed myself.I'll get David back..I noticed my dagger wasn't anywhere to be found and sighed,David must of took it and ran of in fright and panic.Will i kill David when i get him?No.David was actually...interesting.He put up quite the fight and can be a small fun challenge i guess.I do quite enjoy mine and his encounters.It amuses me.When i get David i won't kill him,maybe harm him a little and have some fun with him.Now time to hunt him down.I walked out the cabin and past the campers tents heading straight to the woods.

After some wandering around in the woods i finally caught a glimpse of the red head,he was hurriedly walking towards the cliffs dodging and swerving the trees...the cliff though? Why would he corner himself there? Dumb idiot..i rolled my eyes and picked up my pace,turning my walk into a jog towards him. To be fair i didn't know why i was bothering in capturing and harming him,i admit i was angry at him for tricking me and how he knocked my self pride.But do i really want to kill him? No. I may of said i'm going to hurt him for xemug's honour and whatever but really...well that's just bullshit. I'm aware xemug isn't real but i still have to pretend he is,i'm still bound to the cult.

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