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Morning had arose,beams of sunlight slipped through the small slit of a blurred window,shining onto David's body.One sun beamed rested along David's closed eyelids,causing him to make an uncomfortable expression and stir awake.Groggily he arose and sat up in the bath,slowly opening his eyes.

Sleeping in a bath tub wasn't all that comfortable.I yawned and stretched then got myself out the tub and went to the mirror.Running the taps i looked at myself in the mirror,my hair was flat dry and slightly scraggly.Frowning i placed the plug into the sink and let the cold water run,i couldn't shake what happened last night.It was one crazy,confusing and eventfull night.

Daniel had arrived then he hurted me,then i drugged him,then the cliff happened,then i accidentally caused Daniel to get Hypothermia,i found out he was supposed to die ages ago along with his mother and then he kissed me...i shook my head and threw cold water onto my face,gasping at the cold.Neither the less i washed my face and wetted my hair,then i blow dried it upwards whilst brushing it,giving it volume.

Daniel was still here,he was going to be here for 2 weeks...we can't just avoid and ignore what happened for 2 weeks.I need to have a proper heart to heart with the blondie.I need to help him and perhaps finally rid him of his Xemug obsession and free him from the cult.Well when i have time to,i still have the campers i need to attend to.

Putting on my award winning smile and grabbing the duvet and pillow,i unlocked the bathroom door and went into the room,tossing everything back onto my bed.I decided not to talk to Daniel about last night until laters.I had to teach the campers about good human morals and the law today.

As i turned around i jumped a little at the sight of Daniel,he was holding a bunch of nature magazines with a frown on his face,only 1 metre away from me-less than that even.He was also fully dressed in the clothes i gave him,a bit of colour didn't harm Daniel's appearance at all.I think i liked him wearing those clothes more than his white ones which where currently drying on the radiator.He must of placed them there and i also noticed he had helped himself to a hot  chocolate as it was placed on Gwens bedside table along with a protein bar wrapper.

"Is this really all you have David?" Daniel asked snapping my focus back onto him,He shook the magazines slightly."How am i supposed to live,love,laugh in these conditions if i'm stuck here for 2 weeks with mind numbing reading material?"He complained.

//i was laughing to myself as Daniel said the quote//

Hmm...seems like Daniel is avoiding what happened last night to then,also he was a reader. That's nice to know.I should satisfy his reading needs then if i want him to stay for 2 weeks.

"I'm afraid it is Daniel,i'm sorry.However i could buy you a book or something after work?"I replied cheerfully,totally acting like he wasn't a cultist or the fact he kissed me."What do genre do you like to read?"

He tilted his head and thought again then looked at the magazines."I don't really know,just not things like these"He looked up shaking the magazines again in my face then brought them down."Surprise me,also i'm assuming you want me to stay in here until you come back...makes me feel like a pet if i'm being honest David." He frowned again,"I'll have you know i'm not your pet or an experiment,you can try to force me into change but it won't work,i won't give you the satisfaction of changing me.I know you have some sort of hero complex,you tried it on max,Campbell and now you next target is me.Does this kind of thing make you feel good about yourself,because deep down no matter what you do your still a rotten nobody..."As he was speaking he was walking closer to me and then ended up inches from my face,i was shocked at his sudden defensive attitude."You can't change or help everyone.Why not give up and just let me run away and continue my ways,i would leave you and your camp be,no more hassle for your behalf.You could just forget me,i'll be a distant dream."

I stood my ground and met his eyes,i frowned only slightly,"Daniel.I'm aware that your upset at these circumstances and your head may be all over the place right now but trust me,i'm not treating you like a pet or an experiment,i won't force you to change as only yourself can change.I'm helping you because i see good in you and quite frankly i see a better future and life for you if you embraced my help and stopped being so defensive.You saved my life so let me save yours" I said firmly,he looked into my eyes searching for something with an unreadable expression.

"Don't forget to buy me a book,maybe two or three."He said in a calm voice and walked of into the bathroom.

I stared after him then sighed,what a complex character.Now the next complex character i'd have to face is max,he has questions for me i bet.I walked out the cabin with a smile to start the day with the campers.

/this is just a short chapter and just pretend the hot chocolate was made with dairy free milk/

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