Chapter 12

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Days went by and the house was busier than ever. Different event planners tried to get the contract to plan both the engagement party and the wedding party.

Different people called for the position of hair stylist and make up artist but I never paid attention to to them.

"Honey, come have a look at this dress!" My mom squealed. "It would look gorgeous on you," she eyed the dress then eyed me. "Wouldn't it be perfect for the engagement tonight?" She asked.

"Sure, whatever." I plainly said before moving towards the kitchen.

"Not mom asking me about what dress I would wear for the engagement." I complained to Rachel who was in the kitchen trying to microwave chicken.

Rachel laughed. "I suggest red though, red would look really good on you." She suggested and I rolled my eyes at her.

"I really don't care what I wear, I just really want to get this over and done with." I complained. "Everywhere I go to all I hear is congratulations on your wedding and I'm sick of it." I groaned.

"It's the wedding of the year," she shrugged.

"Enough enough." I hissed. "Why do you think he agreed to marry me?" I eyed Rachel as I leaned on the counter.

"Knowing Leo, I'm pretty sure he must have been blackmailed or something because he didn't want to settle down with anyone." Rachel replied as the microwave went beep.

"Of course he doesn't want to settle down! People like him are only interested in sex." I concluded.

"Well if you ask me," Rachel paused as she removed the chicken from the microwave. "For as long as I've known Leo, he closed off his heart, I guess a girl broke his hear-."

"You think too highly of him, he's just always horny and it has nothing to do with closing off his heart or anything." I interrupted her to put my point across.

"And you think too lowly of him," she contradicted. "Have you even had a real conversation with him?" She placed the chicken in a plate and lifted it.

"No and I'm not interested in doing that either. First impression matters and all I can see is that he likes alcohol and is also an arrogant man." I snarled.

"Well you're gonna be spending the rest of your life with him so maybe you guys should actually talk?" She suggested. "Let's go outside." She added and we walked out of the kitchen together.

Should we?

We went to the dining hall and we sat down while I subtly gazed at my mother with a stylist.

"Winter, Christmas is barely two weeks away, have you decided on the gift you're getting for mom and dad?" She says paused. "And Leo-." She looked away immediately I glared at her to face her chicken.

"You're lowkey enjoying this aren't you?" I glared at her.

"A little bit." She pointed out her fingers then proceeded to devour the chicken.

"You're such a pig! Look at your face!" I teased when I saw oil on her face from the chicken.

"Let me enjoy my chicken in peace." She showed me her palm and continued with the chicken.

"Winter honey!" My moms voice suddenly filled the air.

"Yeah?" I turned to the direction of the sound of her voice.

"Go take a shower, your make up artist is on the way. I'll have your dressed delivered to your room before you style your hair." My mom instructed in a monotone.

"Alright." I sighed. I turned to Rachel, "Well I'll get going now." I faked a crying face and she chuckled.

"I'll come up in a bit." Rachel comforted but pointed to her plate of chicken.

I moved the dining chair away from the table and got up from the seat before making my way to my room, specifically my bathroom.

After taking a hot bath, my make up artist was already setting up.

"Uhh..." I squinted my eyes at her trying to understand why she entered my room without permission.

"I'm sorry, the madam opened the door for me." She apologized.

I sat down on the movable chair she brought, it looked like a directors seat.

Hours and hours passed before I was able to get my dress, make up and hair ready for the event.

My blue eyes reflected back on me when I looked in the mirror to assess my looks. My dress was a red ruffle mini dress with a back tie. My long blonde hair was allowed to fall side part and pinned behind my ear for a sweet girl look and a pair of white strapped heels to complete the look.

"The guests are waiting, come downstairs ho-." My mom paused when her eyes landed on me. "Oh my god you look so beautiful dear." She complimented.

"Thanks mom, now can we get today over with already." I complained.

"Ahh yes, let's go." She held my arm and lead me down the stairs where the guests were.

"I'll take it from here mom." Rachel met me at the end of the staircase.

"Oh my! You look gorgeous Rach!" I exclaimed when I saw her white mini floral dress.

"You don't look too bad yourself cutie." She returned the compliment.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Come on let's go to the kitchen." Rachel pulled my arm.

"Why are we going to the kitchen? Don't tell me you want to devour another chicken." I frowned.

"No," she immediately denied as she pushed the kitchen door. "He wants to talk to you." My eyes landed on a blond guy in a turquoise suit.


At least he looks properly dressed today.

"Okay everyone," Rachel clapped her hands to draw the attention of the maids. "They want to have a private discussion so please excuse them." She ordered in a polite manner and everyone dispersed.

"I'll be outside." Rachel pointed before leaving us alone.

My gaze turned from the door to Leonardo who looked as irritated as ever.

I rolled my eyes at him, "What?" I asked.

"Listen, I only agreed to this marriage because of certain things so I'm just trying to warn that if you have certain expectations from me, kill it. I will in no way perform the duties of a husband, it wi-."

"Why are you explaining so much? I don't like you either so don't expect anything from me." I interrupted him.

"Since we're on the same page, let's just get a couple of things clear. Even though we will be married, we will live our lives the way we want, no need for unnecessary contact, no stupid questions just two strangers living under the same roof while trying to make the world believe we are happy. Deal?" He stretched his arm to me.

I thought about it for a second but realized there was no need to so i hurriedly took his hand. "Deal." I accepted.

"Now the most important thing, no falling in love." He rested his gaze on my eyes.

"Definitely not." I stared back.

Oops! What a deal!

What do you think?

Next update will be the wedding!

Anyway babies, I posted an update for No Strings Attached so please take time out to read it.

Note: You can check my profile to find it^^

Also don't forget to click/tap on the star at the lower left of your screen to encourage me to frequently post more updates.

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