W I N T E RAll through the following month, I could feel my body get more and more sensitive. I couldn't eat certain things anymore because I'd feel either nauseous or I'd get indigestion.
Most of the time, I felt really lazy so I'm assuming everything that's happening is due to the fact that my body hasn't become accustomed to work life yet so I know it'll get better on its own.
Rachel invited me to lunch and as I waited for her to come and meet me at the office, I snacked on shortbread and FaceTimed Leo.
"Hey babe." Leo greeted with a grin.
"Hi love, can you hold on for a minute, I need to pee."
After going to the bathroom, I washed my hands and continued eating.
"You're eating again?" Leo gasped. "I FaceTimed you like an hour ago and you were eating a hamburger. What's going on? Are you stress eating? Are you okay?"
"I guess my body's finding it difficult to adapt to bring back to work." I defended. "Besides, you're exaggerating, I don't eat every hour." I frowned.
"Don't get mad, I'm sorry."
"I'm just hungry sometimes and the reason I'm snacking so much is because I was supposed to go eat Chinese food with Rachel but she's late!" I dragged.
"Babe, I already apologized! I shouldn't have talked about you eating. I have to go now. Bye. Love you."
Now he's making it seem like I argue a lot. And what was that? Love you? Why didn't he say I? Why am I getting upset over Leo not saying I?
Oh my god, what's wrong with me?
My door barged open and Rachel happily skipped into my office, her brown curls bouncing along with her.
"You're excited for someone who has kept me waiting for over two hours." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my water bottle.
"I'm sorry my dear friend!" She chirped with a grin spread across her face. "I'm just extremely happy that I lost track of time." She stylishly lifted her hand into the air and pointed to her watch but something else caught my attention.
"Is that?" I gasped and hogged towards her.
"Hmhmm." She grinned again but this time we both squealed with our hands enterwined and jumping up and down.
Of course she's happy, now I get it. If the love of my life suddenly proposed to me with a huge green diamond, I'd be over the moon too.
"Emerald?" I asked as we both calmed down.
"But how? You never tell me anything! How did you and Timo-"
"Yeah? Wasn't it Timo-" The anger which flickered in her eyes made me stop talking.
"I'll tell you everything at the restaurant. Let's go." She pushed the subject.
All through the car ride to the Chinese restaurant, all I could think about was the tea I was going to get.
After we settled in our seats and our orders were taken, I stared holes into Rachel waiting for her to pick my hint but knowing Rachel, she's just acting oblivious.
"Tell me what happened goddamit!" I snapped and she chuckled.
"Tim wasn't the one who proposed."
"Yeah, obviously."

Legally Married✔️
Romantik#1 in billionaire ~ 5/1/2023 When two broken hearts who can't stand each other are forced into a marriage of convenience, sparks fly. Winter used to be a naive soft spoken girl, but now she is a heartless and arrogant businesswoman, running Simpsons...