Chapter 32

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My heart raced thinking about how both Leo and I would be out alone.

Is this going to be a date?

No! Rachel put stupid ideas in my head. This isn't a date, just two friends going out to have dinner. We've done it before so why did this time feel different?

Winter, relax!

My eyes moved from our empty table to Leonardo who was engrossed on whatever he was looking at on his phone.

He must have noticed my gaze because he dropped his phone on top of the table and his gaze lingered on mine for a few seconds.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, just wondering why the food is taking so long."

"I think it has something to do with it being a foreign cuisine? I had to wait about an hour at an Italian restaurant." He shook his head with a tinge of bitterness in his voice.

"But Chinese food is popular everywhere, it shouldn't be taking so long."

"Are you thst hungry? We could order a bottle of wine first or something."

"Oh no, the water's fine." I shook my head.

"I need to t-"

"Leonardo?" A feminine voice called softly.

Both Leo and I trailed the voice to its owner. It was a pretty brunette. A smirk emerged on her red painted lips.

"Leo! Hey." She ran her hand through her dark hair as she leaned in to give Leo a kiss on the cheek.

"Uh..." Leonardo immediately turned to face me while he wore a confused expression before hinting her to move away.

"It's been a while don't you think?" A huge smile spread across her face.

I scoffed at her as she faced only Leonardo making it seem like I was not even seated there on the table.


"Why don't we catch up soon?" She interrupted him while he just looked on, flustered.

"Ava, I don't know if you know this but I recently got married..." He trailed off then gestured to me. "And she's sitting right there, so please show her some respect." She then turned towards me.

"Oh, I didn't see you there." She gave a half smile.


"I bet you didn't." I sarcastically replied her.

"I'm Ava." She paused then turned towards Leo. "I'm Leo's very close friend." She turned back to me with a smirk then extended her hand.

"That's enough Ava!" Leonardo yelled at her but she feigned innocence.

"There's no need to yell Leo, I was just introducing myself."


"Can you just leave?!" He rolled his eyes at her.

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