Chapter 15

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As I got dressed to go to the church, my father barged into my room without even knocking.

"Learn to knock dad!" I groaned while knotting my tie.

"Did you bring her siblings here?" He growled at me.

I'm assuming he's talking about Cass and Iris.

"They're at Paris Hilton hotel." I sighed and continued what I was doing.

"I know that. I received a notification from the bank." He snapped. "You couldn't take them to a more underground hotel?! You're getting married today and you're paying hotel bills for two young girls, do you know this could have lead to a media uproar that could harm both the Simpsons and us?" He queried.

My eyebrows lowered and pulled closer together. "Why would I take them to an underground hotel where they wouldn't get all the comfort when I can afford it?" I questioned him.

"You weren't the one who told their older sister to get involved with criminals! Why do you have to take on all her responsibilities? Their mother was able to abandon them once again because she knew you would look after them."

The corners of my mouth pointed downwards, "I have my own money dad! My hospital is doing pretty well, if it's a hassle paying for what they do then you don't have to!" I snapped at him.

"Now you're being plain ungrateful. You think it's easy paying college tuition for three other people that aren't your children while trying to keep them on a low because there are people looking for them? You need more than money to keep them safe you know."

I sighed, "So what do you want then? I thought you were okay as I was marrying your friends daughter."

"I am but I just want to let you know that you shouldn't give Winter a chance to complain about you or this relationship." He advised.

"What?" I yelled. "I told you when I was agreeing to this that I wouldn't perform the duties of a husband to her, you agreed and said all I should do is get married." I argued.

"Yes but that was to make you agree to the wedding first." He

"Great dad." I sarcastically gasped.

"Now go on outside, put a smile on your face and go make Winter happy. At least you'll have to do it if you want the girls to keep enjoying the luxury they are now." He straightened my tie and dusted away some invisible dirt from my white suit.

I took a deep sigh as I fell on my bed, this isn't fair. Why do I have to marry that spoilt brat? Keep her happy? I can't even stand her.


During the reception, I got a call from Iris who informed me that she and Cassidy were at the reception.

My eyes scanned the whole place and I saw that everyone was busy. Winter was at a table with Timothy and Rachel so I used the opportunity to sneak out.

I went outside and saw a beaming Cassidy and Iris.

"I'm super happy that you're trying to move on finally Leo." Iris wrapped her hands around me.

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