Chapter 43

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Dinner went on in silence although I could notice the side gazes the girls were getting.

Which is understandable because my parents didn't even know that they existed till now while Leo's dad looked confused for most parts.

I decided that the girls wouldn't hide from the family anymore and thought it would be a nice introduction during the lunch.

"So you both like decided to adopt grown up children?" My mom broke the silence.

"We didn't officially adopt them, they're legal adults. We only decided that we wanted them to live with us and for you all to give them that respect." I boldly answered.

"Leo, did you pressurize Winter into taking this decision?" My father in law asked in a monotone.

"No dad."

"How come they're here anyway? Last I checked, they are supposed to be abroad."

"It's winter break dad." Leo groaned.

"Relax." I placed my hand on top of his at the table.

A smirk made its way to my mother's face. "And Is that hand holding I'm noticing?"

"Oh my god, mom!" I immediately removed my hand.

Leo grabbed my hand and held it tight making me let out a soft gasp.

"Winter and I have decided to give our marriage a chance. We plan to start a family together and these girls are just the beginning and as the new year begins, we hope we can all start afresh." Leo announced.

"Oh really?" My mother in law's face lit up. "That is such good news!" She clasped her hands together.

" I'm glad!" Both our parents smiled at each other.

"Thank goodness! I was actually going to start getting worried." My mom grinned.

"I'm happy you both are actually giving your relationship and chance. You'll both be able to help each other heal and start afresh."

"If it makes a difference. I knew they would." Rachel snickered.

"Really dear?" My dad asked and she nodded with pride.

"Of course Rachel knew! They gossip all day everyday with each other." My mom shook her head.

I turned to Rachel and glared at her, making sure she noticed.

"You girls don't have to be so quiet." My father glanced at the girls.

"That's right. You should feel comfortable with us. We're family now aren't we?"

"Where do you all go to school?"

"Myself and Cassidy," Iris gestured to Cassidy who sat beside her. "Both attend Stratford University." She answered.

"You both go to SU?!" My mom gasped. "I'm an alumni of the university! What are your majors?!" She questioned.

That's my mom! Always making sure everyone feels comfortable.

Dinner went on with ease after that, the table was filled with a lot of small talk and everyone interacting with the girls.

I felt a hand on my thigh and I traced it up to Leo.

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