┚My Player 2 ⑆Chiaki x Sonia/Princess Peach⑇┎

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TW'S: SONIAKI, MENTIONS OF FUYUHIKO, GUNDHAM, NAGITO, AND KAZUICHI, AS WELL AS SHIP CHARACTERS, FIGHTING (Not depicted though, just sorta described as 'yelling and scrambling around')
Headcanons featured in this story: QPR Soniaki, Aroace Chiaki, Pan Sonia

Chiaki's POV
August 17th, Jabberwock hotel
I slept in yet again after a long night of gaming, awoken by Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi's usual yelling and scrambling around outside my cottage. "SHUT IT OR ELSE I'LL TAKE THE STUPID FUCKING SCREWDRIVER!" "HEY HEY HEY, BUT I BOUGHT IT!" I sighed and sleepily peeped my head outside the window. I ended up whisper-shouting at the two of them, as my ears couldn't take it anymore. "Guys, break it up. Put the screwdriver away Kazuichi, it's just causing chaos." I slammed my window so hard my full cottage shook but I had the right to with that rude awakening I had experienced. Everything settled as I pulled up my chair and turned on my switch, inserting Mario Kart.

Sonia's POV
I ironed out my dress with my hands, and took a deep breath. "Okay, now to practise." Chiaki had this aura around her, almost as if she was some sort of angel. She could break up anything bad, and almost always had a small smile on her face. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, I didn't necessarily understand this feeling but it felt great. That's why I had decided to at least attempt asking her for a date. I clasped my hands, and spoke as clear as I could. "Chiaki, shall we go for a dat- GOD DAMN IT! EYE CONTACT!" I hated eye contact, so did she and so did Gundham, one of my other close friends. It seems like an important skill for a princess to have, but I couldn't bear it at all. I decided, in the end, everything was okay as she probably wouldn't notice. I grabbed the necklace I had bought her, which had a working Zelda theme ocarina dangling off the end, and ran off. I knocked her door softly, expecting her to be asleep.

Chiaki's POV
"Too easy." I rolled my eyes, putting down my pro controller after beating just about every 200cc race. Right then though, I heard a knock. I got up and opened the door only to be greeted by Sonia. "Hey, you here to play some games? Come on in, I have soda in that fridge there and my spare controller's in that cupboard. Oh, and the snacks are in the caddy next to the fridge, pick anything." I explained, looking down the entire time apart from occasionally pointing at where to go. I could tell from miles away she had on her best perfume, she smelled incredibly sweet as she whisked by over to the TV and the controller cupboard, as Nagito had nicknamed it. "I brought you a gift!" Sonia slightly smiled, holding up a tiny package. "Hm?" I looked up like a curious cat, trying to think about what could have fit in such a small box. "Thank you." I nodded as I took it and opened it. The Ocarina of Time? How did she know that was my favourite Zelda game?
       "Sonia... I..." "You don't like it?" "No, no. I love it. I really do." "Oh! Well that's good." She softly smiled as I put the necklace on. "Does it actually work?" I lifted the ocarina up into the air, inspecting it. "Yeah! The store clerk said it does at least." I blew into it, and a solid note played! I looked up in excitement and let the ocarina hang from my neck, getting another chair out for Sonia. "Now what should we play?" I questioned her, still stunned by the ocarina. "Hm, I say... Smash Bros!" "Okay, that seems fun!" I smiled, getting the box out and stuffing the cartridge into the switch.

Sonia's POV
Gundham and I had played Super Smash Bros in the past, so I knew I had a bit of practice at it. I always played as Peach, it must be a princess thing. Chiaki picked the stage and we got to the character screen, which is also when I figured now would be a good time to ask the big question. "Um, Chiaki? I have a question." "Uh huh?" She seemed too concentrated on choosing her character, so I kindly asked her to put her controller down for a second, she surprisingly obeyed. "Please don't take this in a bad way, but um, CHIAKI, WOULDYOULIKETOGOONADATEPLEASE?" I was basically on my knees, unknowingly begging her. "Sonia, did you not know?" As I expected. She's probably dating Nagito now that I think about it. I felt tears well up in my eyes as she spoke. "I think I forgot to tell you," Brace yourself Sonia. You got this. "...I'm Aroace." The room fell to a silence, apart from the Smash Bros music blaring from the TV. "Oh Chiaki, I'm sorry... If I hurt you then you MUST tell me!" "No, you never hurt me, I just prefer not to be in a relationship is all." I sighed, my bright idea had failed. "But Sonia, have you ever heard of a queer platonic relationship?" A queer platonic what-what, I thought to myself, confused.
            "From your expression I can tell you haven't." There she was again, fixing a sticky situation like magic. "It's basically like a romantic or sexual relationship, just without that stuff, and it's platonic. You can still say we're dating, just in a different way!" "That seems cool," I said, still in a bit of shock. "Would it be the same though?" "Oh yeah, just without the whole touchy touchy regime, we can still hug and stuff, but with permission since I know you aren't very good with being touched randomly. I always see you flinch with the dark devas!" We both giggled as we reminisced about some of our past times. "Well, I'm up for it if you are!" I smiled, extremely happy with what Chiaki had said. "Well then, it's settled, Player 2. Can I hold your hand?" She held out her hand as I nodded and also held her hand.

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