✄ Kiss, Kill, Marry ☾Tokomaru☽ ✄

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Headcanons featured in this story: Demiromantic Bisexual Toko (She/her) and Lesbian Asexual Komaru (She/her)
A/N: I'm excited for this one. I'm so sorry if it isn't very accurate, I've only seen snippets of UDG, Danganronpa 1 Toko wise, and some Tokomaru memes, so I'm going off of those. If there's anything you want me to change or improve on then please tell me! I'm trying to cut down on the length of my notes, so might as well just jump in now, hm? ENJOY!

Toko's POV
July 15th, Komaru's apartment
Day I don't know of me and Omaru being made to babysit the kids. From constant yelling about sausages and wieners to pretending to "defeat" us by poking us with sticks, it was like a chaos hurricane walked right into the room.

"I'll save you all, I'm the hero!" The red kid yelled, his name was Masaru and he seemed to be the most annoying. "Grrrr, I'm the evil octopus, I'm gonna get you all!" Omaru swayed her arms around as the kids ran past her. They were playing Octopus Tag or something while I was writing my newest book. "Your acting needs to be better, Komaru!" The pink girl said with an eye roll. Her name was Kotoko, and she was right into all the acting stuff. "Jeez, sorry Little Miss Critic!" Omaru replied sarcastically, which was followed with a giggle from both of them. "Come on, continue the game alreadyyyy." Masaru whined, as per usual. "You guys' dinner is almost ready, so how about we hold off until we all eat?" All of them nodded their heads, including me, apart from one kid, the shy one who went by Jataro. "Does the meal you are cooking involve bird skin?" He questioned Omaru, which she quietly laughed at but also replied with a smile. "I'm 100% sure there's no bird skin in it." She was such a natural with the kids, and it was mesmerising in many ways, somewhat similar to how I felt for Master at times. "Toko, you coming? I have a seat saved for you and the kids are setting the table!" I sat my notebook down. "Y-Yeah. Give me a minute." I headed up to the table, sitting myself down as Omaru plated up Dino Nuggets and fries.

Komaru's POV
I hoped Toko was alright with what I had made for dinner, as it was the kids favourite. Plus everyone loves Dino Nuggets! "E-Everyone... Please sit nice for me and O-Omaru." Toko said quietly, seeming worried incase she was yelling at them. "Toko, it's okay, I got this." I could tell she was trying so hard as Masaru and Nagisa fought over the ketchup. "Alright, your food's coming! Boys, put the ketchup down. Jataro, stop trying to eat the salt. MONACA THE PICKLES ARE NOT YOUR CHILDREN-" I took the pickle jar off of her after she got caught rocking it like a baby by me. "Aww, but it's a fun game Komaru... They're green like my hair!" I sighed, not knowing wether to laugh or scream. "Yes, they are similar to your hair. One thing though, and this goes to everyone, if you don't stop mucking around then no dessert, and dessert tonight has a fun game to go with it!" I smiled, looking at the box of Haribo rings in the cupboard. When we were kids, me and Makoto would play kiss, kill, marry. If you "kissed" someone, you'd have to blow a kiss to them, "killing" led to poking the person with your finger, and "marrying" someone would mean you would both take a Haribo ring and blast "Here Comes the Bride". Honestly, the kids like anything that's making fun of each other and they also like sugar, so it's a perfect match.

"Alright, alright. Dinner's ready!" I sat the plates of food down, not paying attention to who I was giving what plate to. They're kids, of course they're gonna scream at you over a plate, I thought to myself, realising my mistake. "EW! EW! EWWWWW! I HAVE A MONSTER HIGH PLATE!" Masaru shrieked. "I HAVE A MARIO PLATE, STOP COMPLAINING." Kotoko screamed back. "How about we all-" "MONACA DOESN'T WANT A MINECRAFT PLATE!" She also huffed. Me and Toko sighed, getting ready to swap everyone's plates around, until more complaining came flying in. "Um, Miss Komaru?" Jataro tugged my arm. "Yes?" "I really don't like She-Ra..." He sighed, whispering. "Do I look like I want a SpongeBob plate to you?" Nagisa, the calmest one of the kids, even decided to chip in. "I'm so sorry everyone! I wasn't paying attention." I started moving the plates around to the correct people, Masaru and Mario, Nagisa and Minecraft, Kotoko and She-Ra, Monaca and Monster High, and Jataro and SpongeBob. "Now are we all happy?" Everyone nodded. Finally! A chance to sit down, I thought, but I realised I hadn't been checking in on Toko. "Hey Toko, that goes for you too. Is everything alright?" "Yeah, th-thanks Omaru." She said with a smile, shoving a fry into her mouth. I sat next to her, and also tucked in.


Toko's POV
Masaru finished first, as usual. "HAH! I BEAT ALL OF YOU!" He said with a proud grin. I gotta admit, they're sometimes adorable. Kotoko and Nagisa shamefully ate their last fry each, being "beat" by just a few seconds. Me and Omaru had to make sure we took our time so the kids could "beat" us. "Well done, M-Masaru!" I said, clapping my hands. "Yeah! Well done. Everyone else, that was so close. At least you beat us both!" Omaru grinned, with one last Dino Nugget left on her plate. Monaca and Jataro finished as she spoke, and we ate at our normal pace after the kids had finished. The food was a little cold, but it was still alright. I then took in all the plates and started washing up. "Toko sweetie, you don't have to do that. I'll have plenty of time to do that alone." Omaru advised me to stop, but I continued anyway. "You made the f-food, so I'll do the cleaning." She shook her head but continued smiling as usual.

"Okay! Who's excited for dessert?" Omaru asked, walking me back in. She held my hand, which made me feel like a hot mess. The dining room turned into a chorus of children screaming "Me!" as we sat back down. "Alright! Toko, would you like to announce our yummy dessert?" Omaru asked me, handing over the biggest privilege of every night to me. "Uh, sure. Tonight we have H-Haribo rings. And we have a g-game planned!" I smiled, lifting the box of Haribo rings from under the table. All of the kids looked at the box in shock, some even clapping their hands out of excitement. "Omaru, w-would you like to explain the rules?" I passed the torch to Omaru, who willingly took the lead. "Yep! So, we'll be playing Kiss, Kill, Marry." The silence was broken by a bunch of "Ooh's" and "Ahh's". "WAIT, CAN WE KILL EACH OTHER?!" Masaru yelled, looking across the table at Kotoko. "Not quite, but you-" "CAN WE SLAP ONE ANOTHER?!" Kotoko said with a devilish grin, staring at Masaru after his plan backfired. "Not that either, sorry. How about poking each other?" "OOOO! OUR FINGERS ARE LIKE LITTLE KNIVES! WAIT, WE SAID THAT AT THE SAME TIME-" Masaru and Kotoko yelled. I sighed along with Omaru, trying to think of a way to explain to the kids to make it less violent. "How about we forget the element of killing altogether?" Nagisa asked. "That's not the point in the game, but good idea." Omaru replied, and I nodded as if to agree. "Now, shall we start?!" Omaru was just as excited as the kids. "Yeah!" "Yes." "Of course!!" "I'd love to!" "Yay!!"

Komaru's POV
I picked a name out of the small tub of lollipop sticks that we had to use when we were babysitting. "Alright, ooh! I'm up first, and I'm asking... Toko!" I saw Toko blush a little, looking away. We were good friends, and we got along like a married couple, occasional fights but we still loved each other. In fact, if we started dating one another, it'd probably be successful. I thought of 3 people from the table, and listed their names. "Alright, so we have Byakuya even though he isn't here, me, and... hm... Makoto!" I said, grabbing a photo of me, Byakuya, and Makoto. "Put the ring on whatever person you pick to marry." I said, smiling. "Um..." She took a minute. "Kill Makoto, m-marry Master, and kiss you, Omaru." Some more "Ooh-ing" went around the table. "Well you gotta do it I guess!" She put her hand into the Haribo ring tub as I blasted Here Comes the Bride off my phone, and slid her ring onto her finger, placing the other on the photo. She then hit Makoto's face with her finger, which made everyone laugh, but then she looked away a bit. "You gonna kiss her or not?" Masaru asked. "AWW, IT'LL BE LIKE CATRA AND ADORA!! THAT'S TOTES ADORBS!" Kotoko squealed. "Stop with the She-Ra nonsense. It's getting on my nerves." Nagisa said, covering his ears. Right then though, Toko grabbed me and pulled me over.

She had her arms wrapped around me, like her bear hugs she'd sometimes give me. She then leaned her head on mine, and confessed. "Omaru, I love you." She then proceeded me to kiss me on the cheek. I was in such a daze, I couldn't believe it. "AWWWW!" "EWWWWW." Kotoko and Masaru's reactions were the exact opposite, and me and Toko were living for it. We found it hilarious. "How did you know I also... ya know, liked you?" I smiled, but was also a little confused. "I have taste, Omaru." She laughed at her own little petty comment. She then placed Byakuya's ring on my finger. "I suppose this is cheating at the g-game, but who cares?" All the kids had the most innocent little smiles on their faces, they were in awe. Even Nagisa, who was always super serious, had a small grin. Monaca then wheeled herself up to us, "Monaca's so proud of you both!" and put her arms around us. "Me too!" Kotoko raised her hand. "Me three!!" Masaru also raised his hand. "Me... four, seeing as this is where we're going." Nagisa reluctantly joined the chain but was still so happy. "Me five!" Jataro smiled, joining me, Toko, and Monaca's hug. Eventually all the kids surrounded us and it felt like the happiest moment the world had ever seen.

We've been through so much together. I'm so glad we're finally a thing.

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